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Training for the young journalists: How to convey a correct and fair message to the public?

27 июля 2016
1456 просмотров
The young journalists from the local and national press participated in a training program entitled "Ethical rules and current journalistic practices", organized by the Independent Journalism Centre on July 22 and 23. The event was moderated by media experts Viorica Zaharia and Ludmila Andronic.
Such topics as: respect for private life by the journalists, interaction with the sources and other aspects related to the professional ethics of a journalist were debated in an informal and interactive atmosphere. At the same time, they discussed about the correctness of the titles, as well as the language when writing a piece of news.
Viorica Zaharia generated an exciting discussion about the way how the participants at the training understand the notion of public interest. Where does the public interest end and begins the private life of the journalistic heroes? To answer this question, the expert presented the example of an investigation, generally well done, but in which the journalist didn't ensure full anonymity of the child about who he/she wrote, which can have serious consequences. The young journalists found out many useful things about the behaviour they must have in the field and in the relations with the sources, including when they perform a simple VOX.
Ludmila Andronic made them undertake a test, proposing them many news subjects from which the participants at the training had to choose one to write about and reason their choice. They also had to say what angle of approach they would prefer and what sources they would use in the material. At the end, the expert recommended the participants a number of important criteria which must be respected in the journalistic materials: relevance, credibility, number of sources, attention to the extreme, gender balance, protection of young children and victims etc.
During the two days, the participants at the event  reported about the more problematic situations from their professional activity, related to the professional ethics and ethical rules, identifying solutions for each case with the experts' help.

The “Promoting media literacy and ethical standards in the press for informed citizens” project is being implemented by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) in the period of March-September 2016 with the financial support of Civil Rights Defenders (Sweden), partner of the IJC.
The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) is the first media organization to provide assistance to journalists and media outlets in Moldova, having the goal of contributing to the consolidation of free and viable press through projects providing training in journalism and public relations, media campaigns, advocacy, research, and media education.