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The TV Show "The Media Today" (orig. "Media Azi"), 51st edition: Is the Moldova 1 TV Channel really a public service?

10 августа 2017
807 просмотров
The "Teleradio-Moldova" company carries currently out the process of selecting the general director of the Moldova 1 TV channel. To what extent does Moldova 1 activate as a public television channel and what should the new director do for it to really serve the public?  – The subject is discussed within the 51st edition of the show "The Media Today" by the journalist Nicolae Negru acting as moderator and his guest, media expert Ion Bunduchi.
Find out how to the two journalists explain the concept of a public TV channel and from what ressources can such a channel function. Allso see how can the institution of public control by this television make not only journalists, but also the audience more responsible.
The show addresses also other aspects regarding public television - professionalism of journalists, who often give priority to the political agenda at the expense of the social one, relevance of the reflected events in news and materials, access of the Opposition to TV in relation to the representatives of Power, editorial independence and the attempts of political actos to influence it.


“Media Azi” broadcast is weekly produced by the Independent Journalism Center. It is intended to disclose the problems faced at present by the journalists of the domestic media and to identify solutions to hem. The broadcast may be viewed on the websites www.moldova-azi.md,  Media Azi and Mediacritica, as well as on the Youtube channel of the Independent Journalism Center. The broadcast was produced with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, provided by the means of the Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau.