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“Divided by Two”: Domestic Violence – What Solutions Do We Have?

01 сентября 2017
1103 просмотра
Maria Scorodinschi, from Drochia city, has been witnessing domestic violence since childhood, and she remembers her mother only in tears, beaten and tormented. She has three children, and, over years, she faced the same problem. Her courage is an example of bravery and a lesson for other women who want to overcome domestic violence and denounce conjugal abuse.

According to official data, about 63% of women in Moldova have been subjected to at least one form of violence from their partner. However, the majority of cases of conjugal violence remain unregistered, as few victims dare to make public such situations.

In order to encourage women to talk about this phenomenon and to help them overcome the problems it involves, three non-governmental organizations from Chisinau created a joint partnership in June, forming the so-called “crisis cell” for victims of domestic violence. The Promo-LEX Association, the “Memoria” Torture Victims Rehabilitation Center, and the “Casa Marioarei” Association Against Domestic Violence have a one-stop information shop and offer qualified help to people who have been mistreated by their partner.

In the new episode of the “Divided by Two” show you can find out about the way these organizations help women in trouble and about the only center for family aggressors in Moldova.

We shall remind that, beginning in April, the IJC has been producing the “Divided by Two” cycle of shows, intended to bring to the attention of the general public the multiple aspects of gender issues and to present positive models of involvement of women and men in various spheres of life. All the episodes produced by now can be found on the IJC portal www.moldova-azi.md in the Shows section.

The "Divided by Two" shows are being made within the "Media for gender balance!" (orig. "Presa echilibrează genul!") campaign, implemented by the Independent Journalism Center with the financial support from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, through the Swedish Embassy to Chisinau.