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Grants on Investigative Reporting Projects

02 мая 2019
1310 просмотров
Open to: Organisations from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova
Closing Date: May 27, 2019
Grant Amount: EUR 3,500 (single applications); EUR 7,000 (joint applications)
Project Name: Giving Voice, Driving Change - From the Borderland to the Steppes
Number of anticipated subawards: Six


The Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) is open to applications for investigative reporting grants within the Giving Voice, Driving Change - from the Borderland to the Steppes project.
Giving Voice, Driving Change - from the Borderland to the Steppes is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and aims to support democratic growth, good governance and human rights in and across the Caucasus, Moldova, Ukraine and Central Asia by strengthening the ability of independent media and civil society organisations in and across the countries.
One of the project’s goals is to enhance the voices of journalists and local civil society. This encompasses several objectives, including:
  • Increase the flow of reliable and relevant information across the region;
  • Enhance public consumption of locally produced high quality media reports;
  • Enable journalists to produce a wide range of creative, engaging and balanced content.
To achieve these objectives, IWPR is announcing a call for grants for media and investigative outlets based in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova. The aim of this funding opportunity is to support the production of quality media content which explores issues of high public interest, facilitates cooperation among regional journalists and engages cross-border groups in debates on common challenges and solutions.


Applications are open to candidates from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova who produce media content and have a platform - print, online, radio or TV - for distribution.
Applications are open for the production of investigative reports in any format, preferably in the areas of conflicts, governance, environment, education and healthcare. The proposed projects should seek to explore issues of significant public interest or expose a wrongdoing, foster constructive public debate and encourage policy solutions.
Priority will be given to applications which explore topics that are relevant across the region and involve cross-border cooperation between journalists. IWPR can help applicants establish cooperation with organisations from across the eastern partnership countries, with the exception of Belarus.
Interested applicants should take note of the following minimum requirements:
  • Organisations should be legally registered in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia or Moldova;
  • Organisations should have experience in producing media content;
  • Organisations should have a platform (print, online, radio or TV) for distribution of the report produced;
  • Organisations should be committed to the best practices and ethical principles of international journalism;
  • Organisations should be able to demonstrate adequate staff capacity for content production and grant management.
Applications can be received from a single organisation or two organisations from different counties. Joint applications from eligible countries for a cross-border investigation are encouraged.

Funding Amount

Funding is EUR 3,500 for single applications and EUR 7,000 for joint applications. In case of joint applications, there are no restrictions on how to share the grant between the organisations. However, it should be based on a coherent distribution of roles and functions.  
Grants are intended to cover fees for journalists and the salaries of the relevant staff, as well as travel and other costs directly related to the delivery of the project.  
The grant does not cover costs for overheads and the purchase of equipment.


The timeline of the investigative projects should be no more than three months. The report should be released no later than 31 October, 2019.


The applicant should deliver one investigative report in any format (print, multimedia, audio, video) and distribute it on all of its platforms, featuring IWPR’s support.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated by IWPR based on the criteria described in the table below. The organisations which collect at least 70 points will be considered for funding. At the next stage, IWPR will invite the selected organisations to an interview to discuss the project in further detail and may request additional documentation to prove organisational capacity.
No. Criteria Maximum points
1. Adequate capacity of the organisation to produce high quality media contentThe application adequately describes the key roles for project implementation (15 points); 
The organisation has demonstrable experience in producing high-quality media content with relevant examples (15 points).
2. Value of the proposed projectThe proposed investigation is realistic to implement (10 points);
The proposed project explores an issue of public interest (10 points); 
The proposed project can initiate a public discussion or contribute to increased government accountability (10 points); 
The proposed project is relevant for societies in Eastern Partnership Countries (10 points).
3. Adequate planning of project implementationThe project timeline is realistic (10 points); 
The project budget is realistic (10 points).
4. Demonstrated regional cooperationThe proposed project involves cooperation among journalists across the Eastern Partnership Region (10 points). 10
Maximum total technical scoring: 100

Application Process

Interested organisations should submit the filled-in application form, budget and CVs of all individuals engaged in the project to: caucasusprogramme@iwpr.net
Questions can be directed to caucasusprogramme@iwpr.net.
Answers to questions will be provided by IWPR staff before May 15.

Application Forms

Forms for a single organisation:
Forms for two organisations from different countries:
Joint applications from eligible countries for a cross-border investigation are encouraged.