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Departamentul Politici şi Legislaţie Media al Centrului pentru Jurnalism Independent (CJI) oferă gratuit consultații juridice...
Non-governmental media organizations have lately seen a clearly hostile and intolerant attitude of the Broadcasting...
Медийные неправительственные организации в последнее время наблюдают явно враждебное и нетерпимое отношение Координационного...
A photojournalist was not allowed to attend a press conference of the Moldovan president. A TV station’s crew was not allowed to attend the...
The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) continues training activities for the piloting of the optional course of Media Education. This time, 18...
În virtutea profesiei pe care o au, jurnaliștii și reporterii se confruntă uneori cu situații de risc pentru ei, atunci când...
The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) has given awards today, September 27, to several young journalists for their...
By virtue of their profession, journalists and reporters sometimes find themselves in risky situations when they go to...
В силу своей профессии, журналисты и репортеры иногда оказываются в рискованных  ситуациях, направляясь в зоны...
Organizațiile neguvernamentale de media și membrii Consiliului de Observatori ai postului de televiziune TV8, prima...