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Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent (CJI) anunţă înscrierea jurnaliştilor şi a reprezentanţilor organizaţiilor neguvernamentale la un curs de...

Fundația poloneză-cehă-slovacă „Solidaritatea” lansează cea de-a 12-a ediție a programului de stagiere pentru jurnalism „Media Independentă”....

The 3rd International Citizen Media Award intends to honor tremendous national (Germany) and international work in the field of citizen media and...

Application guidelines for mid-career journalists who want to deepen their knowledge of emotional trauma and psychological injury, and improve...

Acknowledging the critical importance of supporting peacebuilding and conflict resolution initiatives, JWF is soliciting creative and innovative...

Journalists, designers, developers and public information officers can register for this...

Media professionals, bloggers, influential social media practitioners and freelance contributors can apply for a ten-day reporting trip to...

Journalists and writers can submit works on the importance of freedom to a competition.

The Reason Foundation is presenting the 12th Annual...

The WPI fellowship is offered to 10 journalists from countries around the world. It provides immersion into the governance, politics, business,...