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Media Literacy Week, First Edition: Contests, Visits to Editorial Offices, Debates - All for Pupils, Parents and Teachers

22 октября 2018
2712 просмотров
The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) launches the first edition of the Media Literacy Week, which will be held between 22 and 28 October 2018. The purpose of this initiative is to promote critical thinking and conscious information consumption among pupils, parents, and teachers.

The activities are organized with the help and involvement of the teachers, who teach the optional discipline called Education for Media. They were encouraged to organize out-of-school events attended by teachers, pupils from other classes, as well as their parents.
Thus, during the Media Literacy Week, many activities suggested and involving teachers will take place, such as poster and photo contests, games, quizzes, visits to local editorial offices, libraries and museums, meetings with journalists, debates, seminars, roundtables, workshops, etc. The entire agenda of activities for 22 to 28 October can be accessed HERE.  

On Tuesday, 23 October, IJC will hold a meeting with journalist Diana Railean, attended by pupils and teachers from the Theoretical Lyceum ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’, Chisinau. They will learn about a journalist’s daily job and about the Education for Media optional discipline.
On 26-28 October, a training on education for media will take place, with the participation of teachers who teach in Russian. After the training, they will receive free textbooks from IJC, to be used during Education for Media optional discipline or during master classes.
IJC has also announced a contest for pupils on video materials, during the Media Literacy Week. What do I learn at Education for Media discipline? The contest is open to pupils in grades III, IV, V and VII to VIII, who had previously studied the Education for Media discipline, or are who are currently studying it. Video materials may be prepared by a single pupil or by a team and should not exceed 1,5 minutes.
Media Literacy Week is organized by the Independent Journalism Center under the ‘Strengthening Freedom of Opinion in the Republic of Moldova’ Project, implemented by IJC, supported by Deutsche Welle Akademie and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.