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Media NGOs Condemn the Abuse Against Journalists at PDM Rally

Media NGOs condemn the deliberate impediment of journalists from several media outlets to cover the Democratic Party (PDM) rally held on Sunday, 21 October, in the capital city.

Media Azi: How do You Win Elections if You Don't Own a TV Station or a Bag of Money?
Candidații electorali care au fost susținuți de posturi de televiziune au obținut cele mai bune rezultate în alegerile municipale precedente. În viitoarea campanie electorală pentru alegerile parlamentare se conturează același tablou: PD, PSRM, PPDA, Partidul Șor au în spate... more
Media Literacy Week, First Edition: Contests, Visits to Editorial Offices, Debates - All for Pupils, Parents and Teachers
The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) launches the first edition of the Media Literacy Week, which will be held between 22 and 28 October 2018. The purpose of this initiative is to promote critical thinking and conscious information consumption among pupils, parents, and... more
IJC Developed the ‘Education for Media’ Textbook for Secondary Schools. Pupils from 14 Other Schools Will Learn to Distinguish Between True and False Information
Independent Journalism Center (IJC) continues to promote media education in educational institutions. Recently, IJC produced the second ‘Media Education’ textbook, this time for secondary schools. The textbook was developed by experts Loretta Handrabura and Natalia Griu and it... more
Picture // A group of journalists trained to reflect correctly the election campaign. Expert: ‘Voters want to know more than politicians say’
A group of journalists from several media outlets from the Republic of Moldova, who participated in the training ‘Press, Democracy and Elections. Why Media Matters?’, learned how to reflect correctly the election campaigns. The training organised by the Independent Journalism... more
IJC Report: Certain Media Outlets in the Republic of Moldova Combine Different Manipulation Techniques to Favour Political Parties
 Blurring is a new manipulation technique certain TV channels in the Republic of Moldova use to confuse and distract the attention from truly important events. In addition, certain media outlets began to combine different manipulation techniques to enhance the image of the... more
Media Azi: Can crowdfunding save the independent journalism from Moldova?
Most independent press institutions in the Republic of Moldova survive thanks to grants from the West. What would happen if this financial support did not exist anymore? Several editorial offices of Chisinau are asking again for people’s help through... more
Appeal to the Ruling Party and the Embassies Regarding Restricted Access of TV8 and Jurnal TV Journalists to PDM Briefings

Media NGOs appeal to the ruling party which for a few weeks has been repeatedly restricting access of TV8 journalists to the party’s press briefings.... more