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February 2016

February, 2016

Press Freedom


The IJC resumed the “We want Access into the Parliament!” Campaign

On Thursday, February 25, the Independent Journalism Center resumed the “We want access into the Parliament!” campaign that it conducted in the past two years in order to raise MPs’ awareness about the restriction of journalists’ access to plenary Parliament meetings. The journalists who attended the event signed a new petition, asking the Parliament’s leadership to fulfill the promises related to creation of better working conditions for the journalists accredited to the Parliament, so that they could freely do their job.


Moldtelecom has changed the Order of TV Channels in the List of Services based on some “internal Analyses”

On Wednesday, February 10, Moldtelecom informed about changes in the grid of IPTV services. They were related to the repositioning of some TV channels and were allegedly made “for subscribers’ convenience”. The first four positions in the grid were given to private channels Prime, Canal 2, Canal 3 and Publika TV, all with national coverage and with a single owner – politician and businessman Vlad Plahotniuc. Public television Moldova 1 is on the fifth position. Journalists, experts and media consumers disagree with these changes and believe that people will thus be subjected to manipulation.


IJC campaign


How Do Experts See Prevention of Media Concentration?

The Media Azi portal returned to the problem of concentration in mass media. We invited journalists and experts, including media law experts, to share their opinions regarding possible ways to stop this phenomenon. Thus, we aim to identify, with joint efforts, weaknesses in the legislation and the actions that need to be taken by decision makers in order to avoid concentration and ensure media pluralism.


Media Expert: New Draft Broadcasting Code provides for limitation of Concentration

How could the new Broadcasting Code solve concentration, one of the gravest problems of the Moldovan media? Media Azi asked for the opinion of media expert Ion Bunduchi, one of the authors of the draft law that has recently been approved by the Government. In his opinion, “Where there is concentration, media pluralism disappears”. The draft Broadcasting Code contains several provisions in this regard.


Media Legislation


MPs approved a Draft Law that leaves Room for some Questions

On Friday, February 26, the Parliament adopted in the first and second reading a draft law on modifying and supplementing the Broadcasting Code, developed by a group of MPs from the Party of Socialists (PSRM), according to which the number of licenses that can be held by media owners shall be reduced. The examination of the draft and its voting in both readings took only minutes, which made Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) MP Chiril Lucinschi declare that the law has been adopted in violation of “basic legislative techniques.” Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC) chairman Dinu Ciocan could not tell us what impact the law might have, since the text was not yet published in the Official Monitor.


The IJC Proposes Improving Legislation on Access to Information of Public Interest

On Friday, February 19, the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) sent to the Parliament for examination a set of proposals to amend Law no. 982-XIV of May 11, 2000 on access to information (articles 5, 6, 12, 15, 16 and 17) and the Contraventions Code of Moldova no. 218-XVI of October 24, 2008 (article 71).

The draft law aims to facilitate and improve the procedure of registration of requests for access to information, reduce the terms of provision of information and tighten penalties for violation of the legislation on access to information for the persons responsible for its provision.




AIP warns: Draft Law on Postal Service conflicts with European Standards and promotes Corporate Interests

The Association of Independent Press (AIP) has sent a letter to the Parliament and the Parliamentary Commission on culture, education, research, youth, sport and mass media, saying that the draft law on the postal service, adopted in the first reading on December 29, 2015, excludes from the categories of universal postal services collection, sorting, transportation and distribution of books and catalogs, newspapers and other periodicals. The AIP mentions that this situation would cause the bankruptcy of many media outlets, violate the citizens’ constitutional right to information and damage pluralism of opinion in Moldova.


Declaration of Media NGOs regarding verbal Assaults against Journalists at the Protest at the Rascani District Court

On Tuesday, February 16, four media organizations - Independent Journalism Center, Associa­tion of Independent Press, Committee for Press Freedom and “Acces-Info” Center expressed their concern about the incident at the Rascani district court in Chisinau, between protesters and media representatives. Journalists were assaulted verbally and they were not allowed to film in the area where protests were taking place. The signatory organizations disapprove such actions and remind that the law on the press provides for the journalists’ right to attend public events.




Journalists discussed about the legal Aspects of Access to Information

A group of journalists from national and local media outlets participated on Friday, February 12, in a training organized by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC), where they were taught to apply the legislation on access to information. Participants discussed about the legal aspects that a professional journalist should take into consideration in their work and about the practical ways of obtaining information of public interest. Also, they learned how to write official requests.




Journalists learned new Trends in Online Media

On Friday, February 5, in Chisinau started the international event - Rockit Regional Digital Communication Summit . The conference was dedicated to specialists in PR, communication and online marketing, to entrepreneurs, journalists, civil society representatives and to all the people interested in the trends of digital marketing. For two days, participants have discussed the modern trends of digital communication, shared their online startup experiences and joined a regional network of digital communication. The event was organized in partnership with the Granat Advertising Agency from Moldova and the Digicomnet Community from the USA.


IJC Publications


IJC published the Report on the Situation of Mass Media in Moldova in 2015

The report presents the main events that marked the situation of mass media in Moldova in 2015 under various aspects: media coverage of the year’s key events; mass media during the campaign for the general local elections; situation on the media market; legislative developments and developments in freedom of expression and access to information etc. A chapter has also been dedicated to freedom of expression in Transnistria. According to the report, in 2015 Moldovan mass media regressed due to political instability in the country. At the same time, politicians continued getting involved into mass media activities. The report has been produced by the IJC with the financial support of Civil Rights Defenders, Sweden, and it is available in Romanian, English and Russian. (Here EN, RO, RU)


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