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December 2016

December, 2016



The second edition of the Media Forum took place in Chisinau

Over 180 representatives of the media, publishers, media managers, representatives of media organizations and associations, advertising agencies, academia related to journalism education, local and foreign experts participated in the Moldovan Media Forum on December 2 and 3. Participants tried to find solutions to such internal issues as solidarity of the professional community or quality of the journalistic product, as well as external issues – dependence of the main media channels on their owners-politicians, lack of fair competition on the media market, barriers in access to information of public interest. Pirkka Tapiola, Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova, and Joseph Tordella, representative of the US Embassy in Moldova, attended the event and held speeches. The country’s top officials did not respond to the invitation, saying they would not participate “for different reasons.”


Media Forum: Ambassadors of Sweden and Finland in Moldova called journalists to do their work with dedication

The ambassadors of Sweden and Finland to Moldova, Ms. Signe Burgstaller and Ms. Päivi Pohjanheimo shared their opinions at “The Role of the Media in a Democratic Society” panel. “We have a mixed picture of the media in Moldova. On the one hand, we see a diversity of media outlets with creative and talented journalists; on the other hand, we have a media that is not quite free,” said Signe Burgstaller. In her turn, Päivi Pohjanheimo told journalists: “You have what to celebrate and what to defend. Keep doing your work with dedication!” Sweden and Finland are countries with tradition in terms of press freedom, and in December 2016 they celebrated 250 years since the adoption of the first ever law on press freedom. Also, these countries support the values of free press, including in Moldova, through various grants and projects for journalists.


Media Monitoring


The BCC notes use of various manipulation techniques in the media

The Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC) analyzed on Thursday, December 8, a new report on monitoring the coverage of the presidential election campaign by 14 televisions in the period of November 6-13, 2016. The BCC members unanimously noted that in the last week of the election campaign, some televisions used various disinformation and even intoxication techniques. For violations of the law, the BCC decided to suspend the right to air commercial advertising for 4 days for channels NTV Moldova and Accent TV. Publika TV and Jurnal TV were deprived of the right to air commercial advertising for a period of 3 days. Prime TV, Ren Moldova and TV7 were penalized with the maximum fine, 5 400 lei.




Workshop for media managers

A two-days-long workshop, organized by the Independent Journalism Center of Moldova within the “Strengthening the Financial Stability of the Media in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia by applying the experience of the Visegrad Group” project, aimed to familiarize media managers with the main ways of strengthening financial stability. The event took place in Chisinau on December 8 and 9 and was moderated by experts from the Visegrad Group and from Moldova, including: Tatiana Repkova (Slovakia), founder and director of the “Media Managers Club” global online network; Robert Čásenský (Czech Republic), journalist and commentator; and Grzegorz “Greg” Piechota (USA), journalist, expert in social media. Overall, the event was attended by 20 media managers, guided by 7 experts from abroad. Participants together with experts developed four new business models for 4 types of media: online, periodicals, national TV/radio, and regional TV/radio.


Workshop on the use of databases in investigations

The second training within the “Open Data for an Informed Public” program, organized by the Independent Journalism Center in the period of December 2-3 in Chisinau, was moderated by two experts in the field: Dumitru Lazur, reporter with RISE Moldova, specialized in investigations and investigative reports; and Anatoly Bondarenko from Ukraine, co-founder of The event was attended by journalists from national and local media outlets, civic activists and IT specialists. Participants found out about the experience of the two experts, who taught them how to access and efficiently use databases for investigative materials. They also tested some innovative data visualization tools.


Cross-border news exchange launched connecting Moldova to Ukraine and Georgia

The Independent Journalism Center in partnership with Internews is launching a cross-border project “Strengthening Independent Media in Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia.” In Moldova, nine local media outlets will be selected as partners for the project. They will be involved in preparing a series of multimedia packages titled “Moldova Plus”. Partner outlets will learn how to diversify their content and make it more engaging for the public. Partners will be chosen by a group of experts and will include media outlets from the Transnistrian region and Gagauz autonomous region.


Informal discussion with human rights activists

The situation with human rights in 2016 and the achievements of the people awarded at the UN Gala were the topics discussed at an informal discussion organized by the Independent Journalism Center and UN Moldova on Friday, December 9. The event was attended by journalists who write about human rights, representatives of the UN and the Independent Journalism Center. The awardees invited to the event told about the projects that they had implemented and the results obtained, as well as about the challenges they face day by day, such as: defective communication with some representatives of state structures, who often refuse to support civil society initiatives, or the limited budget for social services. Participants in the event urged journalists to pay more attention to human rights and to broadly cover the problems of different social groups.


The Study on Advertising Was Publicized

The Independent Journalism Centre made public the study entitled “Evaluation of the legal framework regulating the advertising and recommendations for its optimisation”.

The document's authors, the media expert, Ion Bunduchi and the lawyer, Eugeniu Ribca, analysed the current situation in the field of advertising. At the end, the authors present their conclusions and recommendations for the tools to be implemented in order to improve the situation in this area.


The TV show Media Azi

In the context of the second edition of the Moldovan Media Forum, held on December 2 and 3 in Chisinau, the host of the 27th edition of the Media Azi show, Executive Director of the Independent Journalism Center Nadine Gogu, together with guest Ludmila Andronic, member of the Press Council, discussed these questions: What happened to the Roadmap developed a year ago by participants in the most important media forum? How did public institutions react to the problems of the media in 2016? Why did authorities ignore a big part of the recommendations included in the Roadmap, which were actually the government’s own commitments to the media, their promises that had not been realized over years?




A documentary from the “Pur si Simplu” series won the 2016 ADAMI Media Prize

The “Generation of Emigration” film from the “Pur si Simplu” (“Simply”) cycle, produced by Radio Free Europe (journalist Natalia Sergheev, producer and video operator Alex Blumberg) won the 1st prize in the Youth category of the 2016 ADAMI Media Prize contest. The award gala was held on November 24 in Kiev. The film highlights the phenomenon of migration in Moldova, telling the stories of three young people forced to leave their poorly paid jobs at home and go abroad in search of a better life. At the current edition of ADAMI Media Prize were evaluated 208 works of filmmakers, journalists and broadcasters from the Eastern Partnership countries.,
Last year, the public television got the 3rd prize in this contest with the film “Home in Marienfeld”, produced in collaboration with Deutsche Welle.


The Best Journalists of 2016 were announced

As usual, in December the Chisinau Press Club – the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) and the Press Freedom Committee (PFC) – awarded the best journalists of 2016 at 22nd edition of the Annual Press Club Gala, held on December 16 in Chisinau. Overall, 16 prizes were awarded at the Gala in different categories, including 7 special prizes, for considerable contribution to the affirmation of independent, democratic and professional press in Moldova. The event was attended by Ambassador of Sweden to Moldova, Her Excellency Ms. Signe Burgstaller, who appealed to journalists: “Keep doing the good work that you do and being the best ‘watchdogs’ that you can be.” The main goal of this action is the support and encouragement of journalists’ efforts to do quality press, according to international professional standards.
