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July 2017

July, 2017

Media Legislation


New Draft Law on Advertising by IJC

A new draft law on advertising was developed by Independent Journalism Center experts Ion Bunduchi and Eugeniu Ribca. The draft law was subject to a public debate in Chisinau on Tuesday, July 25, focusing on issues such as adjusting the current national legislation on advertising to international standards; ensuring compliance with the new law; clear definition of political advertising; and issues related to messages of public interest. Participants agreed on the need for a new law on advertising, saying that more than half of the provisions of the current law contain defective formulations. Over the last 15 years, the law has been amended 13 times, with a total of 42 changes.




Media NGOs Find Public Reprimands against Journalists an Attempt to Intimidation

Ten media and human rights NGOs expressed their concern about the attitude of the members of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) towards investigative journalist Mariana Rata, who had been publicly reprimanded in a meeting of the SCM. Apparently, the journalist had misstated the name of a judge in the investigation titled “Judges of the Stolen Billion” published on The signatories of the statement noted that the SCM did not focus on the major problems highlighted by Mariana Rata’s investigation, but rather on an insignificant mistake, however regrettable. They found the attitude of SCM members unacceptable and qualified such collective reprimands as intimidations against journalists.



Media NGOs condemn the discriminatory practices of restricting media access to events of public interest

Media NGOs condemn the increasingly frequent restrictions imposed on media professionals by State authorities to events of public interest. The case of photojournalist Constantin Grigorita being denied access to President Igor Dodon’s meeting with media representatives is the second in a row in the last couple of months. The meeting was held at the Presidential Villa in Condrita, and the Presidential Administration did not provide an explanation for refusal, although the journalist met all the requirements. The signatories found unacceptable the selective admission of media representatives to such events.




The 3rd Edition of “Fifth Power” Media Hackathon: How to Make Money Online

The Independent Journalism Center and Internews held the third edition of the “Fifth Power” hackathon. The event took place between July 14 and 16 under the general title “How to Make Money Online,” and it was attended by international and local experts – Jakub Gornicki (Outriders); Dmytro Tuzhanskyi; Răzvan Băltărețu, (VICE Romania); Vitalie Eșanu, (; Tudor Darie (IT and media entrepreneur); and others. During three days, 72 participants from Moldova worked on developing IT projects, web and mobile applications that could help media monetize their online content. The winners of this edition of the media hackathon – Kreyon, NowTime and Di'Art – were awarded grants of USD 4,000 each to develop their projects.


Winners of the Previous Media Hackathon Implemented Their Projects

The Caucasus Hack Pack team (Georgia, Armenia), winner of the second “Fifth Power” Media Hackathon, has recently launched a game called “Adventures of Literatus,” which helps identifying false news. “Adventures of Literatus” is a media education game for high-school students and teenagers so they could develop their research abilities and to spot false news. In October 2016, another winner of the second “Fifth Power” media hackathon, TROLLESS, launched a project intended to identify and isolate sources of manipulation on social networking websites.


Press Club


“Court Appeal against BCC Decisions is a Dangerous Precedent in Moldova”

The Press Club organized by the Independent Journalism Center on July 4 discussed a recent judgment of Chisinau Court of Appeals forbidding the Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC) to monitor NTV Moldova. Participants in the event – journalists, MPs, representatives of the BCC and of civil society – qualified this case as a “dangerous precedent” and examined the reasons that led to this situation. Sergiu Cornetchi, senior consultant of the Parliamentary Commission on Mass Media, said that this precedent was possible due to, among other things, the gaps existing in the current Broadcasting Code, which “needs to be amended as soon as possible.”




BCC Chair Recommends TRM Supervisory Board Mermber to Give Up Her Seat

Dragos Vicol, Chair of the Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC), recommended member of the Supervisory Board (SB) of the public broadcaster Teleradio-Moldova (TRM) Stela Nistor to choose between her two current positions – either as State Councilor to the Prime Minister, or as SB member. Stela Nistor, however, believes that the positions she is holding simultaneously are not incompatible under Article 57 of the Broadcasting Code, and that her office is not of civil servant. Nicolae Spataru, Chair of Teleradio-Moldova’s SB, refused to comment on this situation.


SB Announced Vacancy for the Position of Director of Public Television

The Supervisory Board (SB) of the national public broadcasting company Teleradio-Moldova announced a vacancy for the position of Director of national public TV Moldova 1. Candidates had to submit their applications within 15 working days, beginning July 14, when the advert was published in the Official Gazette.


IJC Campaign


“Divided by Two” Shows

According to statistics, women in Moldova make more than half of the population. However, out of the 101 MPs, only 22 are women, which equals one fifth of Parliament. The issue has been discussed in “Women in Politics” edition of the show “Divided by Two”, produced by the Independent Journalism Center. The guests of this edition were politicians Vitalia Pavlicenco, Maia Sandu, Zinaida Greceanii and Monica Babuc, as well as blogger Diana Guja. Another July edition of the show presented the success story of a family from the town of Orhei, who managed to balance family and career and find the golden mean.

The Show „Media Azi”

What are the editorial policies of news websites? Why do their teams often choose anonymity? These issues are covered in the 47th edition of the “Media Azi” show moderated by journalist Anastasia Nani, who discussed them with journalist Vitalie Calugareanu and Vice-president of the Democratic Party youth organization and blogger Ion Harghel. Journalist Nicolae Negru, host of the 48th edition focused on securing the information space and discussed the solutions proposed by politicians with his guest, journalist Vlad Turcanu. Further, the topic of the 49th edition of the “Media Azi” show was an ethical one, as Executive Director of the IJC Nadine Gogu and her guests, BCC Chair Dragos Vicol and journalist Ion Terguta debated whether membership in the Supervisory Board of Teleradio-Moldova is compatible with the office of Senior State Councilor to the Moldovan Prime Minister. And finally, the public reprimand of journalist Mariana Rata by the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) for an error in her investigation was discussed by the host of the 50th edition of the “Media Azi” show, journalist Anastasia Nani, and her guests, SCM member Vera Toma and RISE Moldova journalist Ion Preasca.

Media Literacy


Media Education for Elementary School Teachers

The Independent Journalism Center organized in the last week of July two media education programs for elementary school teachers. The training was based on the optional curriculum for Media Education, approved by the Ministry of Education (ME), and on supplementary materials for the pilot course. Teachers were trained to raise students’ awareness and sensible use of media, so they can properly assess the values and standards conveyed by media and become knowledgeable media consumers. Training activities were moderated by Loretta Handrabura, Ph.D., lecturer at “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University; Natalia Griu, senior consultant at the Ministry of Education; and Silvia Spac, Ph.D.



Competition for the National Prize for Journalistic Ethics

The Press Council of the Republic of Moldova has announced a competition for the 2017 edition of the National Prize for Journalistic Ethics, which is open to all media outlets in Moldova. The prize will be awarded after a year-long monitoring involving the public and a group of experts. The competition will have several stages and will end on December 1, 2017, when the Press Council will select the recipients of the 2017 National Prize for Journalistic Ethics.