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Media NGOs Request that Chicu Government Commits in its Activity Program to Improve the Media Situation

28 November 2019
881 reads
Media NGOs found that the Activity Program of the Chicu Government do not contain any chapter dedicated to media, which would contain solutions for the problems in the field: imperfect legal framework, concentration of ownership, abusive dominant positions on the advertising market, limited access to information, lack of tax incentives for the development of media outlets, journalists’ limited access to databases, political subordination of ‘Teleradio-Moldova’ Public Company, etc.
The new Government’s program has a single provision related to media activity, formulated vaguely and included in the Justice section: ‘to review the legal framework in order to strengthen the fundamental human freedoms, including freedom of expression and non-admission of unjustified limitation of access to information’.

Media NGOs urge the Government to include in the Governmental Program a separate chapter dedicated to media, thus committing to identify solutions for media sector problems, also mentioned in the Resolution of the 2019 Media Forum held on 4-5 November. Thus, we request the Government:

- to develop and promote draft laws needed for the long-term development of independent media outlets in the Republic of Moldova;

- to ensure development and broad public consultation of a medium- and long-term strategy and action plan for implementing the National Concept on Media Development;

- to complete the initiative of opening databases for journalists;

- to ensure the functionality of the free advertising market;

- to supplement the 2% Law with a provision, by which media outlets will be included in the list of potential beneficiaries of percentage designation, so that individual taxpayers can direct 2% of the income tax amount to support media outlets;

- to develop strategies in order to support independent periodicals, including by focusing on distribution channels and tax incentives.

NGOs express their willingness to contribute to the development of draft laws and regulations in this regard, and request Chicu Government to be open and receptive to media and to challenges of this sector.
Independent Journalism Center
Association of Independent Press
Association of Electronic Press
Center for Investigative Journalism
Press Freedom Committee
Association of Independent TV Journalists
‘Access-info’ Center   
RISE Moldova