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Media monitoring during the electoral campaign for the early parliamentary elections of July 11, 2021. Report no.2 (June 11-17, 2021)
Media monitoring during the electoral campaign for the early parliamentary elections of July 11, 2021. Report no. 1 (June 1-10, 2021)
Monitoring report. Moldova 1 (Period: May 24-30, 2021)

Revista Mass-Media în Moldova

In addition to publishing news about mass media on the Media Azi portal that is part of the project “Focus on the media: freedom of expression, media literacy and accountability” financed by the US Embassy, the IJC offers two regular publications: the biannual analytical magazine Mass Media in Moldova that recently has been published in digital format only and the Mass Media Guide that is now also available on line in the section Mass Media Map.
The IJC also conducts audience research and studies on the needs of the media and monitors print and broadcast media.
Monitoring of print and broadcast media may be general (quantitative and qualitative) during and after elections and may also be on specific topics (children’s rights, gender equality, topics of public interest). For more details, please see the section Studies.
Over the years, the IJC has developed a number of partnerships with international media organizations. With IREX the IJC has been facilitating the development of the Media Sustainability Index (MSI) for more than 10 years. and from 2013 to 2015 the IJC and Internews Ukraine will produce the Press Freedom Index of the Eastern Partnership countries (EaP Eastern Media Freedom Watch, EMFW EaP). The results of these studies are also available in the section Press Freedom  along with IJC annual reports on the situation of the media in Moldova.

Freedom of press
