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A Russian journalist who reported on corruption in the North Caucasus republic of Dagestan was kidnapped, forced into a car...
The committee representing the media working in Parliament House has lodged a formal complaint about the increasing use of...

Interviu cu Åsa SJÖSTRÖM, autoarea fotografiei "Frați orfani", realizată în R. Moldova, care a obținut Premiul II la...

Interview with Åsa Sjöström, winner of the 2nd prize “Daily Life singles” with the picture “Orphan Brothers”, taken in Moldova...

Interviu cu Andrei BASTUNEȚ, vicepreședinte al Asociației Jurnaliștilor din Belarus...
Caricaturiştii Stéphane Charbonnier (Charb), directorul publicaţiei satirice Charlie Hebdo, Jean Cabut (Cabu), Bernard...
В скором будущем, иностранным компаниям будет необходимо получать государственные разрешения при покупке более 25% участия в...
Foreign companies will soon have to seek government permission before buying a more than 25 percent stake in newspapers or...
Russia Today (RT), Russia’s state-run broadcaster which launched a UK version on 30 of October, could incur statuary...
The Ekho Moskvy radio journalist Alexander Plyuschev was fired on Thursday by the state-controlled holding Gazprom Media,...