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In the World

Media (In)dependence in Bulgaria: Risks and Trends
A report by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) about political influences on Bulgarian media

Analysts Tihomir Bezlov and Dr. Lybomir Kutin curated this new study on the media situation in Bulgaria published by the...

Journalism is not a crime!
I am a journalist!

Journalism is not a crime.

In Turkey, oppression of the press is getting worse by the day.

Those who are struggling to protect the freedom of press and do their jobs are forced to pay a heavy price.

Journalists reporting from conflict...

SEENPM Condemns Arrests of Turkish Journalists
The South East European Network for Profession­alization of Media (SEENPM) strongly condemns the pre-trial detention of two journalists and a human rights activist in Istanbul on 20 June on charges of “making terrorism propaganda.” Erol...
OSCE: Attacks against journalists during demonstrations in B&H must be condemned and investigated
The recent attack against Petar Panjkota, reporter with RTL Croatia television, in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is unacceptable and must be fully investigated, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović said today.“I condemn the attack on Panjkota and...
North Korea Expels BBC Journalists Over Coverage
North Korea expelled a BBC reporting crew on Monday for what it deemed a disrespectful portrayal of the country and its leader, Kim Jong-un, as Mr. Kim used a rare Workers’ Party congress to cement his grip on power.More than 100 foreign journalists were granted visas to visit...
Declaration by the High Representative, Federica Mogherini, on behalf of the EU on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day 3 May 2016
On this day we celebrate the World Press Freedom Day. On the 25th anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration the EU wishes to recall the principle that "the establishment, maintenance and fostering of an independent, pluralistic and free press is essential to the development and...
Alternative Media on the Rise in Turkey
Many Turkish journalists use independent internet platforms as a way to counteract Turkey's homogenous media. But they are facing various problems - not only on the financial level.
Press Freedom Weakened Around the World in 2015, Report Says
Press freedom suffered throughout the world in 2015, declining to its weakest level in 12 years because of attacks and intimidation by political, criminal and militant forces that sought to mute or control the news media, a prominent democracy advocacy group said in an annual...