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New Media Ethics Code Welcomed in Montenegro
The newly agreed code of ethics for the media should improve reporting standards in Montenegro – although the lack of penalties for non-compliance is seen as a problem.

By Dusica Tomovic, BIRN, Podgorica

Journalists in Montenegro have agreed on a revised Code of Ethics...

Romance TV to launch in Romania and Hungary
German media company Mainstream Media will expand the distribution of its pay-TV channel Romance TV in Eastern Europe.The channel already available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland will launch in Romania and Hungary on May 3, 2016.

Targeting a female audience, the...

Russian journalist Dmitry Tsilikin found dead in St Petersburg
Noted Russian journalist Dmitry Tsilikin has been found stabbed to death in his flat in St Petersburg.

Mr Tsilikin, 54, was found on Thursday evening after friends and family had been unable to contact him.

His mobile phone and computer are missing. Police have opened...

Turkey To Impose Visas for Russian Journalists
Ongoing tension between Turkey and Russia will soon be reflected in the sphere of journalism, as Ankara will begin imposing visas for Russian journalists starting from Feb. 15, the Hürriyet Daily News has learned from diplomatic sources. 
Report: 5 digital journalism and technology predictions for 2016
Digital media consultant Nic Newman highlighted the technology and industry trends to watch, in his 2016 report from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University
The disruption of television, rise of the podcast and growth of online video are some...
Lebanon: Kassir awards honour courage of 3 journalists
EU delegation head says regional media repression intensified

At least 60 journalists were killed worldwide last year, said the head of an EU delegation to Lebanon in a conference on Tuesday. Almost half lost their lives in the Middle East.

Angelina Eichhorst also...

U.S. Calls For Release Of Imprisoned Uzbek Journalist
The United States has urged Uzbekistan to release opposition journalist Muhammad Bekjanov, who has been imprisoned since 1999, and ease restrictions on journalists in the authoritarian Central Asian state.

"We call on the government of Uzbekistan to release Mr. Bekjanov and...

Journalist Khadija Ismayilova Gets a Prestigious Courage Award
Five months in detention, Khadija Ismayilova received the prestigious Freedom of Speech Award, meant to commemorate Anna Politkovskaya, from the NGO Reach All Women in War. The award was given to her for the courage to publish a number of investigative articles, reports...