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Vitalie Gutu, Producer and Presenter at TVR Moldova: "Now, a Battle Goes Between the Trusts Financed by Different Political Actors More Than an Emphasis on Quality..."

25 August 2016
1600 reads
"Partially free", but how independent?

We record, at the end of August, 25 years of independence of the Republic of Moldova and the Celebration "Limba noastra". 25 years is adulthood. But how did the media from the Republic of Moldova evolve and to what extent did it grow up in this period? Which is the general state of press after 25 years of independence of the state Republic of Moldova?
Why do we have a press with a status of "partially free" at present, and our country continues to go down in the international tops regarding the press freedom? Why can't we talk about the existence of a genuine media pluralism in the situation when we have hundreds of media institutions in the Republic of Moldova? How to explain the fact that after decades of totalitarianism and censorship we continue to confront with the concentration phenomenon today? Finally, how much time do we need so the press to be also recognized in our country, as in the civilized world, the fourth power in the state?
Media Azi addressed this topic with its guests: media experts, opinion leaders, press managers and journalists. We will present their opinions daily, during this month, in order to outline together a more realistic picture of local media after 25 years of independence of our country.

Media Azi: How competitive are our audiovisual products on the media market from the Republic of Moldova and how do you explain that after 25 years of independence the most popular on this market are the Russian TV channels broadcast on the territory of the Republic of Moldova?
Vitalie Gutu: During a quarter of a century of independence, the audiovisual products from our media market have experienced different stages of development, like our country. But, from 2010, the audiovisual area was "enriched" with new radio and TV channels, which by definition should generate qualitative products and which could compete with productions from abroad. Unfortunately, this healthy competition between the audiovisual products lacks in 2016. Now, an informational battle goes between trusts financed by different political actors more than an emphasis on the quality of the presented materials to the public. Another problem is that in the case of the presence of media products in Chisinau, made by all the rules, they are overshadowed by the programs broadcast by foreign channels, most of all the Russian ones. Their popularity is explained by the fact that millions of dollars are invested in these programs, and analysis or entertainment shows appear on the screen, which the media institutions from Chisinau can't afford to offer. In this case, the citizen chooses what "draws his/her attention": spectacular studio floors, up-to-date graphics, and with the help of these "arms" the editor/producer/TV or radio manager infiltrates manipulative and propagandistic messages in the mind of our citizens. On the other hand, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council should establish clear rules for the retranslations of the Russian channels: time slot, program type and educational messages. An important role could also have the new Broadcasting Code.
Media Azi: You said somewhere that TVR Moldova "dictates the standards of quality journalism in the Republic of Moldova". What did you learn personally from this collaboration?
Vitalie Gutu: In December 2013 I had the first contact with TVR. A relationship which lasts till now. TVR Moldova came in the media space from Chisinau as an antidote to the Russian propaganda. Being a part of TVR Moldova team, I contribute to the development of a new media culture on the left bank of the Prut river with news and reports which I make within Telejurnal and through the editions of the analysis show "PUNCTUL PE AZi". I said that TVR Moldova dictates the  standards of quality journalism in the Republic of Moldova because the programs made by this TV channel try to emphasize the truth, rightness, frankness and originality which unfortunately,  many TV channels lack nowadays. Maybe it sounds daring, but  I take on this statement that with the appearance of TVR Moldova, the products broadcasted by us became a model of journalistic activity. Here I learnt that the naturalness represents the key-element for the success of one or another program.
Media Azi: How free do you consider yourself as a journalist? What should the journalists change in themselves in order to make a press free?
Vitalie Gutu: Personally, I consider myself a free journalist because I write and do what I know best. However, the journalism is going through a rather complicated period when the political interests are on the agenda. To make the press free the journalists, no matter what field they are specialized in, have to convey the information throuth the standards of the quality journalism.