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Twitter, Facebook and Google are excluded from the Social Media Summit

11 July 2019
813 reads

On the 11th of July Donald Trump organised his Social Media Summit that will tale place at the White House. Unexpectedly, Twitter, Facebook and Google were not invited. As we know, when we talk about social media, we think about FB, Twitter, and Google, the tech titans who have, obviously, their place in a show about social media.

However, this year, the president has gathered only conservative groups. He accused the big social media platforms of silencing conservative voices.
According to an White House spokesman, this conference was targeting "digital leaders for a robust conversation on the opportunities and challenges of today's online environment".

Among the conservative organizations that were expected to participate in the White House meeting: Turning Point USA, Prager University, which puts out short videos with a conservative perspective on politics or economics, and the Washington think tank Heritage Foundation.