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August 2016


August, 2016

Media Monitoring


The Press Consumers from the Republic of Moldova Receive Unilateral, Biased and Unbalanced Media Products

On Tuesday, 23 August, the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) launched the third Monitoring Report "Elements of propaganda, informational manipulation and violation of the journalistic ethical norms in the local media space". "The trends of violation of ethical norms and those of use of techniques of propaganda and manipulation have maintained, but in some cases they have amplified and diversified". This is the conclusion after the monitoring of 12 media institutions, conducted by the IJC in the months of May, June and July - TV channels, news sites and online versions of some weekly publications. Violations were found most frequently in the news of Publika TV, RTR, Vesti, REN TV, Jurnal TV, and to a lesser extent, in and Ziarul National. A part of the monitored institutions have distorted facts, favouring certain political actors and disfavouring others through text and images.


Media Legislation


Investigative Journalists about the Exclusion of the Press from the Sources of Information of NAI

On 1 August the package of laws with reference to the reformation of the National Committee of Integration (NCI) entered into force which is to be reorganized in the National Authority of Integration (NAI). Although the stated purpose of these transformations is to streamline the activity of the new structure, the law which will control the NAI excluded an important stipulation from the old law which obliged the NCI to take action at the signals from media. The Minister of Justice, Vladimir Cebotari, justified this omission, but the media NGOs said that " the authorities want to reduce the efficiency of press uncovering on corruption, embezzlement and conflicts of interest". Media Azi asked Cornelia Cozonac, the chairperson of the Center of Journalistic Investigations (CJI), and Alina Radu, the director of the investigative publication "Ziarul de Garda", about the repercussions of this omission on the investigative journalists.




The Media NGOs Ask the State to Ensure the Security of Investigative Journalists

Eight media non-governmental organizations - Association of Independent Press, Independent Journalism Center, Association of Electronic Press, Center of Journalistic Investigations, Association of Independent TV Journalists, Committee for Press Freedom, “Acces-Info” Center, Young Journalist Center of Moldova - signalled the worsening of the working climate of the investigative journalists from the Republic of Moldova and noticed the national authorities and the international organizations on the attempts to intimidate the investigative journalists by some people and public structures. The signatory non-governmental organizations asked the Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Moldova to elaborate some additional amendments to the legislation in force to guarantee the journalists' protection from intimidation and other forms of abuse.


Press Freedom


Information Security in the Republic of Moldova: Challenges and Solutions

On Thursday, 25 August, the discussion club "STOP FALSE" met to raise the issue: "Information security in the Republic of Moldova: challenges and solutions". Participants look together for an answer to the following question: How can we ensure the media freedom, access to information and, at the same time, to ensure the information security? Alla Rosca , Ph.D., University professor, researcher at Edgewater Research, New Orleans, USA, was invited as an expert to this event. In the expert's opinion, a joint effort of governors and media organizations is necessary to solve these problems.


The Prosecutor Adriana Betisor Requests Denials from the Press

The prosecutor Adriana Betisor notified the Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC) with reference to the TV channel Jurnal TV on the grounds that she was allegedly defamed in the show "Ora de Ras" of this channel, the edition from 26 June. As a result, Adriana Betisor requests denials from the team of authors. Also, she submitted a preliminary request, through her lawyer, to "Ziarul de Garda", after the newspaper revealed that Betisor family build a building of millions in the outskirts of Chisinau. In this case the prosecutor requests denials " with reference to the exorbitant cost of the building mentioned in the title of the article" and " the removal of the photo from the background of the building which is an object of investigation and the excerpt from the real estate register from the online publication".




The Regional Public Company "Gagauziya Radio Televizionu" Has a New Supervisory Board

On Monday, 9 August, The National Assembly of UTA Gagauz-Yeri chose the members of a new Supervisory Board (SBO) of the regional public Company "Gagauziya Radio Televizionu". 28 candidates participated in the competition, out of which 9 were chosen. The new SBO will work four years till 9 August 2020. Contacted by Media Azi, the media expert Petru Macovei expressed his hope that the new SBO will work for the development of the regional public broadcaster, in comparison with its former members, who "were fully controlled by certain political forces from the National Assembly and from the Executive Committee from Comrat and adopted decisions that had nothing in common with the mission of a public broadcaster".


Media Literacy


The Recommendations of the Beneficiaries of the Media Education Project: „The Journalists Have to be Fair, Professional and to Respect the Deontology”

The Independent Journalism Center invited the beneficiaries of the project "Promotion of media education and professional standards in press for an informed public", implemented by IJC in the period of March - August 2016, to a meeting of evaluation of the project results. Among others, the participants were urged to give some recommendations for media, so the readers can find more accurate and truthful information in press. According to their recommendations, the journalists have to be fair, professional and to respect the deontology; not to label, to express themselves in an accessible language and to offer a larger space to positive news”.


Media Azi TV Show


Topics of August Editions
In August, The Independent Journalism Center has produced two Media Azi shows (XIV, XV). The fourteenth edition refers to protection of the domestic information space from the harmful effects of the Russian propaganda. The journalist Dumitru Lazur, as a moderator, and his guest, the media researcher, Victor Gotisan, look for answers to these current and difficult issues that worry our society. In the fifteenth edition of Media Azi, the journalist Nicolae Negru and his guest, the director of the regional newspaper The Express, Lucia Bacalu, discussed about the state of the independent local press and what the government should do to support independent press, which counts very much in a democracy.