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August 2017

August, 2017

Media Monitoring


IJC Report Finds Manipulation Techniques on TV Channels

A number of Moldovan TV channels deliver one-sided, biased information promoting the interests of their owners. They present facts selectively, often mixing them with opinions and omitting certain data. These are the main findings of the seventh monitoring report “Elements of Propaganda, Information Manipulation and Violation of Journalism Ethics in the Local Media Space (June 1 – August 1, 2017),” launched by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) on Tuesday, August 22. Twelve media outlets have been monitored: TV channels Publika TV, Prime TV, Canal 2, Jurnal TV, Accent TV, RTR Moldova, NTV Moldova; and news websites Ziarulnaț,,,, and

Press Freedom


Personnel Cleanup in Transnistrian Media

Some media outlets on the left bank of Nistru river have been reporting dismissals of Transnistrian journalists who used to work in the media outlets loyal to former separatist leader Yevgeny Shevchuk. According to them, many journalists were forced to leave their jobs, and some avoided persecutions by fleeing to Russia, Ukraine, or some European countries. Luiza Doroshenko, director of the Media Center in Tiraspol, confirmed to Media Azi that “there have been job cuts in media, especially among managers,” and that “the trend of resignations ‘on one’s own initiative’ is valid not only for the media.”

Providers of Electronic Services Alarmed About New Tax from the Ministry of Finance

A number of providers of Internet, telephone, and cable TV services were alarmed by the Ministry of Finance intention to introduce a 1.5% tax for electronic communications operators. Until now, only mobile network operators paid a tax of 2.5% from their sales revenue. Officials from the Ministry of Finance proposed reducing this tax to 1.5% and extending it to all providers of communication networks and services. Members of the Association of private companies specialized in ICT (ATIC) and of the European Business Association (EBA) rejected this initiative, arguing that this tax would result in increased fees for Internet, telephone, and television services, and “many small and medium enterprises would disappear.” Following criticism in media, the Ministry of Finance withdrew the reconsideration of the tax for its next year’s policy, preserving “the current state of affairs”.



BCC Registered Three Candidates to Membership in the SB

The Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC) announced on Tuesday, August 22 that the three candidates for the Supervisory Board (SB) of the national public broadcaster “Teleradio-Moldova” were Doina Deleu, Larisa Calugaru, and Vitalie Raileanu. Public hearings and selection of candidates will take place in a public meeting of BCC, which is expected to take place at latest within 20 days from the deadline for submission of applications.

The SB Has Chosen a New Director for Public Television

The Supervisory Board (SB) of the national public broadcaster “Teleradio-Moldova” (TRM) elected Ecaterina Stratan as director of the public television channel Moldova 1. The election took place on Monday, August 28, and Ms. Stratan received five votes, while her opponents Sergiu Praporscic, of Sputnik-Moldova, and George Iosip, formerly of General Media Group, received no votes. Ecaterina Stratan is the former director of the news and debates department at Moldova 1, and since July 2017 she has also been the channel’s interim director.

IJC Publications


IJC Study: What Do Media Think About Media?

A recent study conducted by experts of the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) analyzed data about media’s reflections on itself. The study is based on a rather uncommon opinion poll conducted by iData company on IJC’s behalf, in which journalists were asked to share their opinion about the situation of Moldovan media. Almost 40 percent of respondents fully agreed that media in Moldova are a tool for manipulation with public opinion, while 42 percent said they tend to agree with this statement. The respondents’ general opinion was that “journalism in Moldova is of average quality.” Data were collected between November 2016 and March 2017 from a sample of 200 public and private media outlets.

IJC Campaigns


“Divided by Two”: Sexist Advertising – How Can It Be Stopped?

Moldovan law forbids sexist advertising. Nevertheless, we happen to see it on billboards, on TV, or even in public transportation. In search of popularity, some copywriters use images or expressions with sexual connotation damaging human dignity.

The new episode of the “Divided by Two” show focuses on how the media can prevent the dissemination of such ads and how consumers can denounce sexist advertising.

Another episode of the same “Divided by Two” cycle of shows, which appeared in August, referred to domestic violence and to the solutions the civil society proposes to fight this phenomenon.

IJC’s New “Filter Information” Summer Camp

Forty students and teachers from ten educational institutions have developed media projects for their schools after participating in the “Filter Information” media literacy camp, which took place between 20 and 26 August in Costesti. Teachers were trained to teach media literacy during their educational classes. On the last day of the summer camp participants presented their projects, and the jury decided that they all deserved to be implemented. For this purpose, each team was awarded grants of USD 300, which they will use in the following two months to conduct the planned activities. A final meeting concluding the project will take place in November aiming to share experiences and good practices.

The Show “Media Azi”

Journalist Nicolae Negru, host of the 51st edition of “Media Azi” show, and his guest, media expert Ion Bunduchi, discussed what should be the actions of the new director of Moldova 1 public television so that the broadcaster stays true to its mission of serving the public. The 52nd edition of the show titled “What will we have left without funding from the West?” features host Nicolae Negru and his guest Cornelia Cozonac, director of the Journalistic Investigations Center, commenting on the latest objections of President Igor Dodon to media and NGOs being funded through Western projects. The topic of the 53rd edition of “Media Azi” deals with the sudden closure of the Realitatea TV channel. Journalist Ivan Sveatcenko as moderator discussed it with guest Dumitru Tira, general director of Realitatea Media Group.



Start of Public Voting for Candidates to the National Prize for Journalism Ethics

The Press Council of the Republic of Moldova announced the start of voting for candidates to the National Prize for Journalistic Ethics 2017. This year, eight media outlets were admitted to the contest, proposed by media consumers and a group of Press Council experts. Candidates are: news portal; news portal; press agency IPN; news portal; radio station Radio Chişinău; investigations portal; regional newspaper SP (Balti city); and weekly journalistic investigations journal Ziarul de Gardă. According to contest rules, by November 15, 2017, the candidates will be evaluated by the public through online platform.