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January 2016

January, 2016

Freedom of press


Protests at “Teleradio-Moldova” Offices

On Friday, January 22, a group of supporters of the “DA” Platform, the Party of Socialists (PSRM) and Our Party (PN) protested at the headquarters of “Teleradio-Moldova” public broadcaster. They asked the public television to allow them one hour of broadcasting daily beginning at 20.00, “in order to correctly inform the public opinion” about their protests. At the same time, protesters’ representatives asked that the protests in Chisinau be broadcast live on Moldova 1 channel. More…

The Police “barricaded” Journalists in The Parliament’s Press Room “for Security Reasons”

The journalists accredited in the parliament, who came on Wednesday, January 20, to cover the parliament’s plenary meeting, were blocked for over 5 hours in the parliament’s press room. Several reporters wrote about it on social networks and communicated about it in newscasts and reports. Journalists wondered why they weren’t evacuated from the building so that they could continue their work. Police employees ordered them not to leave the room for security reasons. “Anyone could go out if they wanted, but the police said it would be better for our safety to stay there,” a representative of the parliament’s press service said. More…



A new Attempt to substitute The Legal Powers of The BCC in Gagauzia

On Wednesday, January 27, the Broadcast Coordinating Council (BCC) notified the Presidential administration, the Parliament, the Government, Prosecutor General’s office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Information and Security Council about a draft law developed by the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia that was intended to amend and supplement the Law of Gagauzia on broadcasting, no. 66-XXVIII/III of July 10, 2007. The broadcast regulator qualifies this draft law as an attempt “to establish censorship in the broadcasting media of the territorial autonomy” and to substitute the licensing, supervision and control powers of the central government and public authorities, and so it is “an attempt at the sovereignty and integrity of Moldova.” More…



The Law guarantees Journalists’ Right to obtain and disseminate Information

On January 13, at the office of the Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM) while journalists were waiting for PDM representatives to come with declarations about the announcement of the party’s candidate for prime minister of Moldova, they found themselves closed in the PDM office. In the same time, the party’s leaders left the building in order to avoid questions from the media. Several media organizations – Independent Journalism Center, Association of Independent Press, Association of Electronic Press of Moldova, “Acces-Info” Center, Young Journalist’ Center of Moldova, Association of Independent TV Journalists, Committee of Press Freedom, Center of Journalistic Investigations - have condemned these actions and considered them as serious violations of the current legislation and antidemocratic deviations. More…

Media NGOs are asking the BCC to investigate the real Reasons of why “Moldtelecom” suspended Broadcasting of some TV Channels

On January 20, national operator “Moldtelecom” have suspended broadcasting of some TV channels that aired videos from the protest in front of Parliament. The main Media NGOs - Independent Journalism Center, Association of Independent Press, Association of Electronic Press, Committee for Press Freedom, Association of Independent TV Journalists, ”Acces-Info” Center, Young Journalist’s Center of Moldova and Center of Journalistic Investigations - condemned these incidents and qualify them as serious violations of citizens’ freedom to be informed and journalists’ right to spread information. They have requested the CCA to investigate the real causes that led to the interruption of Tv broadcasts by Moldtelecom. More…

Intentional Obstruction of Journalists’ Work is penalized by the criminal Code website published on Thursday, January 21, a material titled “ cameraman robbed at the Parliament,” where they say that cameraman Nichita Perestoronin was deprived of his camera and of live broadcasting equipment “by an activist of the DA Platform.” Four media organizations - Independent Journalism Center, Association of Independent Press, Committee for Press Freedom and ”Acces-Info” Center - demanded the authorities to investigate the case and to inform the public about the actions taken. More…

The Press Council appeals to Journalists to preserve their professional Dignity

On January 22, the Press Council launched an appeal to journalists, urging them to inform citizens honestly, neutrally, up-to-date and objectively about events, and reminded them at the same time about the ethical responsibility and professional honor, which tell them to serve the public interest and not the interests of parties and politicians.
“We are appealing to all our fellow journalists to show professionalism and respect for the rules of professional journalistic ethics, not to allow manipulation and disinformation of society, to correctly cover protests without assuming the role of instigator, to exhibit a behavior that would highlight the press as a democratic instrument,” the Press Council’s appeal to the press says. More…

Media literacy


A new IJC Video: “Information poisoning is very bad for your Health!”

“Test results, please, psychiatric exam results … Really?! The same diagnosis for everyone – information poisoning!” says the doctor (played by actor Gheorghe Pirlea) in a new video spot produced by the Independent Journalism Center. The protagonists of the video are media consumers who come to the doctor with different health issues after watching news, political programs, unprofessional debates, which ignore professional ethics and unscrupulously manipulate public opinion. These people suffer from one disease – information poisoning! The video has been launched by the IJC – the first organization to have initiated activities for promotion of media literacy in Moldova. Such actions will continue in 2016, aiming to contribute to educating media consumers. More…

IJC campaign


The Impact of IJC Actions for combating hate Speech in Online Media

The “Combating hate speech in online media and social networks” project implemented by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) allowed the IJC to conduct a number of activities aimed at making journalists and media consumers accountable when they share opinions on sensitive topics in the Internet.Thus, the “Press can’t hate” campaign was designed to support journalists in doing their job professionally and in being correct, especially when they cover issues concerning socially vulnerable groups and minorities. At the same time, media consumers were urged to be tolerant, to respect diversity in all its forms, and to show common sense and avoid hate speech when they share their opinions in social networks. More…



A new electronic Issue of The “Mass Media in Moldova” Magazine

The Media Azi portal posted in the “Publications” section the new issue of the biannual “Mass Media in Moldova” magazine, which includes articles and commentaries on the main events in mass media that occurred in the second half of 2015. The cover of the “Mass Media in Moldova” magazine is illustrated by pictures from the 21st Annual Gala of the Press Club, organized on December 17, 2015 by the Independent Journalism Center and the Press Freedom Committee.

The magazine appears in electronic form in Romanian, English and Russian. More…

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