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June 2016

June, 2016

Media legislation


Draft of new Broadcasting Code to be presented to the plenum of the Parliament

The parliamentary commission for media examined on Wednesday, June 29, the report on the draft new Broadcasting Code. The document was presented by Liberal Party’s MP Lilian Carp, who once again reviewed the main provisions of the draft law and answered the questions of attendees – members of the parliamentary commission for media, other MPs, civil society activists, members of the Broadcasting Coordinating Council, media experts, journalists. Attendees agreed that the draft new Broadcasting Code should be debated and adopted in the first reading at the nearest plenary meeting, and then, for the second reading, draft law no.53 should be supplemented with amendments that would come from MPs in the plenum of the Parliament.




Limitation of access to information by the Supreme Council of Magistracy

Some media NGOs - Independent Journalism Center, Association of Independent Press, Association of Electronic Press, Association of Independent TV Journalists, Center of Journalistic Investigations, “Acces-Info” Center, Committee for Press Freedom - expressed their concern regarding the decision of the Supreme Council of Magistracy (SCM) to prohibit journalists’ access to its meeting on June 7, invoking internal regulations. Thus, SCM chairman demanded journalists to leave the meeting room despite there being no document regulating the access of the media. Media ONGs contested such practices, considered them as incompatible with democratic standards that the rule of law is based on.


The Journalist and Civic Activist Oleg Brega was physically abused by the Security Service of the Drochia Court

On Friday, June 10, the security guards of Drochia Court prohibited the journalist and civic activist Oleg Brega to film inside the court’s building and ordered him to sit on a chair until the court hearing started. Because the activist refused to do as ordered, he was taken by force out of the courthouse and physically abused. Later, he was informed that the court hearing ended, having not been allowed to attend it. ( Five media organisations - Independent Journalism Center, Association of Independent Press, Association of Electronic Press, Association of Independent TV Journalists, “Acces-Info” Center – condemned these abuses. They asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) to investigate this and to inform the public about the measures taken against those who caused this incident.



Media ONGs condemned the Incident with Journalist Vadim Ungureanu in Cimislia

On Sunday, June 12, Vadim Ungureanu, employee of portal, was not allowed to enter the assembly hall of the community center in the town of Cimislia, where he wanted to attend the meeting between the leaders of the “Platforma DA” party and the party’s supporters. The journalist tried to get in without permission, and when he was taken out by force from the building, he called one of the party’s leaders “wild” and “mad.” Some media ONGs - Independent Journalism Center, Association of Independent Press, Association of Electronic Press, “Acces-Info” Center, Association of Independent TV Journalists - signed a statement, in which they qualified as inadmissible both physical aggression and prevention of the employee from participation in public events, and the behavior of the journalist himself.


The persecution of Investigative Journalists by the Taraclia district Police Inspectorate

The Taraclia district Police Inspectorate ordered interrogation of journalists and confiscation of all the materials that they used to produce the investigation titled “How a state-owned lake became private property” (author – Anghelina Gaidarji), which appeared in the local newspaper “Svet” on April 17-18 this year and on NTS television in Taraclia. This was condemned by the media NGOs - Independent Journalism Center, Association of Electronic Press, Association of Independent Press, Center of Journalistic Investigations, Committee for Press Freedom, Association of Independent TV Journalists, “Acces-Info” Center, Young Journalist Center of Moldova, which qualified as inadmissible the persecution of media representatives for their journalistic materials. The signatory organizations asked the Prosecutor General’s Office to investigate the case and apply the law to the persons who attempted at journalists’ freedom of expression and resorted to coercion against them.




The Speaker of Parliament demands moral Damages of 30 thousand Euros from a Media Outlet that had allegedly defamed him

The Speaker Andrian Candu filed a lawsuit against Jurnal TV channel for “defamatory information” about him and demanded moral damages in the amount of EUR 30,000. The applicant referred to the “Mai pe Scurt” [“In brief”] broadcast of June 2, 2015, in particular the chapter titled “The thief with a soapy attitude,” where, according to Andrian Candu’s application to court, “denigrating statements” were made, such as: “Who is actually this Candu?” “An individual who lies to us,” “An individual who collaborated in several crimes” and so on. On the other hand, Jurnal TV does not consider it spread false information and claims that it expressed only value judgments.


Transnistrian media


A draft Law developed by Yevgeny Shevchuk might constrain Media in the Region

The leader of the self-proclaimed Transnistrian Moldovan Republic developed a draft law proposing to introduce sanctions under criminal law for defamation. Thus, defamation through media could be penalized with a fine varying between 600 and 800 minimum salaries or with non-remunerated work up to 120 hours. Luiza Dorosenco, Director of the Media Center in Tiraspol, considered that the authors of this draft law should have come up with relevant arguments explaining why this issue is currently important for the region. In her opinion, If this law will be adopted, it might constrain media, for example, the media outlets that will broadcast materials criticizing Shevchuk.


Media literacy


The Development of Media Culture can take place within suitable Media Education

Independent Journalism Centre (IJC) continues the initiatives of promotion of media education. In this context, the study "The development of media culture can take place within suitable media education" done by Ph.D. Loretta Handrabura was launched on Thursday, June 23. The work was presented during a workshop in which the Minister of Education, Corina Fusu, the director of IJC, Nadine Gogu, the representatives of the departments of education, teachers from the pre-university educational institutions and media experts participated.
The study analyses the local and international practices regarding the teaching of media education in schools. The work synthesizes everything that has been done till this moment in Moldova in the field of media education, both at the theoretical and practical level.




The BCC distributed all Slots in Multiplex A

On Tuesday, June 7, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC) chose the last three TV channels for Multiplex A. They are Jurnal TV, Accent TV, and ITV Moldova. Two other channels that applied – NTV Moldova and RTR Moldova – obtained no votes from BCC members. In early April, the BCC voted for inclusion of other 12 channels into the first digital Multiplex. Thus, the 15 televisions in Multiplex A will be as follows: Moldova 1, TVR Moldova, Canal Regional TV, TV 7, N 4, Publika TV, Canal 2, Canal 3, Prime, AGRO TV MOLDOVA, CTC Mega, Super TV, Jurnal TV, Accent TV and ITV Moldova.


Gagauziya Radio Televizionu” Regional Public Company has a new Management

On Friday, June 17, the Supervisory Board (SB) of the “Gagauziya Radio Televizionu” regional public company (GRT) elected, with 5 votes, Vladimir Cilcic as director of the company. Once he took office, he proposed candidates for new editors-in-chief: Ivanna Checsal was elected as editor-in-chief of television, and Galina Mareseva as editor-in-chief of radio. Thus, currently GRT has a full management. What the company’s employees expect from the new management? Vitalie Gaidarji, one of them, told to Media Azi: “I expect little from any management, including this one, because we were categorically against the new law on television and radio, which doesn’t allow certain reforms to be implemented in the company. We don’t expect much, since over the past two years we already had 13 directors come and go.”


"Media Azi" Broadcast


The main Subjects of June Editions
Is the Financial Independence of Media a Myth or Reality? The host of the fifth “Media Azi” broadcast Ivan Sveatcenko spoke about it with journalist Irina Astahova. The sixth Media Azi broadcast refers to the Common Information Space of Moldova and Romania. Journalist Nicolae Negru and Secretary General of the Moldova-Romania Advisory Council on the Media, Vlad Turcanu, discussed about the creation of the common information space. What media pluralism is and why this concept is not developed in Moldova is the theme of the seventh “Media Azi” broadcast, discussed by experts Dumitru Lazur, moderator, and Aneta Gonta, one of the authors of the study titled “External Pluralism of Mass Media in Moldova in 2015,” recently launched by the Association of Electronic Press. The eighth “Media Azi” focused on the draft law developed by the Party of Socialists’ parliamentary group, which proposes prohibition of homosexual propaganda among minors. Journalist Ivan Sveatcenco discussed about it with his guests, Party of Socialists’ MP Vasile Bolea and “GenderDoc-M” Executive Director Anastasia Danilova.