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March 2017

March, 2017



“What Do the Media Want” Forum Took Place in Chisinau

The Baltic Center for Media Excellence (BCME) from Latvia in partnership with the Independent Journalism Center (IJC), with support from the European Endowment for Democracy, held the "What Do the Media Want?" forum on Thursday, March 9, in Chisinau. The results of analysis of independent Russian-language media in Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine – were presented at the event. According to Rita Ruduša, Executive Director of BCME, who moderated the Forum, the research tried to identify independent Russian-language media in EaP countries and to determine how well they work for their audiences.


The Moldovan Diaspora Decided to Support the Media at Home

Nearly 200 people, members of the diaspora community from 19 countries, participated, on March 18-19, in a forum held in the city of Venice in Italy. At the meeting they discussed several issues faced by Moldova, including issues related to the media.
Participants in the diasporas’ forum, organized by the “Adopt a vote” Community, expressed concern about the financial situation of independent media and about media owners’ influence on the work of journalists. A special group on the media was created at the forum, which will develop mechanisms to counter the sources of propaganda by creating a network of experts, including in the IT field, and will promote the voice of diaspora in programs and interviews.


Nominated for the European Press Prize

Journalist Mariana Rata from the portal was nominated for the European Press Prize in the category of investigative journalism, for the material titled “Anabolics Mafia. The Clandestine Road of Steroids from Moldova to Foreign Athletes.” The material that entered the competition was published in October 2016 and it reports about the production of anabolics in Moldova and their road to the black markets in other European countries. In 2016, this material got the first prize in the competition for best journalistic investigations on issues of corruption, organized by UNDP. At The European Press Prize Mariana Rata competes with journalists from The Guardian, Le Monde, Center for Investigative Journalism from Serbia etc.


Media Legislation


The Government Intends to Regulate Drones

The new draft Air Code of Moldova, developed by the Ministry of Transport and Roads Infrastructure jointly with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and registered in the Parliament on February 21 this year as a legislative initiative of the Government, has aroused the concern of the media. It proposes to regulate unmanned aircraft, i.e. drones, which, according to journalists, could lead to limitation of access to information. Under the draft law, unmanned aircraft are to be registered and will be able to fly without prior permission of the administrative authority responsible for the implementation and realization of civil aviation policies only in specifically reserved areas.


Press Club


Polemics at the Press Club Regarding Transition to Digital Television

Advantages and disadvantages of digitization; problems faced by broadcasters, both national and regional; the difficulties Moldovan citizens will face after transition to digital television – these and other issues were discussed at a press club on Wednesday, March 22, organized by the Independent Journalism Center. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications (MITC), “Radiocomunicatii” State Enterprise, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC), journalists, members of civil society. Debates were sparked especially around the issue of Moldova’s readiness for transition to digital television and the support local televisions need in this process.


Transition to Digital Television: Officials Operate with Different Figures

The Ministry of Finance had to assign already back in the draft law on State budget for year 2016 for the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications (MITC) funds worth 100 million lei in order to provide disadvantaged families with signal converters for reception of digital terrestrial television. This money, however, did not reach the MITC. Although transition to digital television ends on December 31, 2017, MITC still has no necessary funds and does not know exactly how many families will benefit from these converters. Figures differ from one clerk to another and from one ministry to another.


Access to Information


Public Debates at the Ministry of Justice on Depersonalization of Court Judgments

On Friday, March 10, the Ministry of Justice organized public consultations on the issue of protection of personal data through the prism of depersonalization of court judgments and of impossibility to search case files by the names of the parties involved as a result of a regulation by the Superior Council of Magistracy. According to the journalists who participated in the discussion, the depersonalization of court judgments hinders provision of information to citizens about the acts of corruption committed by civil servants and limits access to data of public interest. The position of the media was supported by representatives of the Legal Resources Center and the Lawyers’ Union.


The Union of Journalists Was Forced to Leave the Press House

The Union of Journalists of Moldova (UJM) was forced to leave Monday, March 6, the offices it held in the Press House, following a dispute with the Press House State Enterprise. Valeriu Saharneanu, the acting chairman of the Union, told Media Azi that it had been a long-lasting conflict. “The situation emerged after the managers of the Press House kept increasing the rent and applying fines, until we reached a debt of over 200,000 lei,” he said. Over the years, the Union of Journalists repeatedly appealed to the Government to transfer the building for the use of the organization of professional journalists, but these efforts led to no results.




Jurnal TV Changed Its Funder, Not the Editorial Policy

Jurnal TV television, re-launched on March 5, after nearly two months of break, will be financed from a grant which it received from the European Endowment for Democracy. The channel’s director, journalist and writer Val Butnaru, told Media Azi that Jurnal TV will not change its editorial policy after it changes its donor. He said that relations with the European Endowment for Democracy oblige the channel to continue defending European values. The final beneficiary will still be Victor Topa, but he will no longer fund the channel.


Press Council: Appeal to Journalists and Media Outlets

An appeal issued by the Press Council on March 15, 2017, urges the media to address with maximum caution the topics referring to the risk of children being involved in secret and dangerous virtual games, so as not to cause panic in society. The authors of the appeal recommend journalists to take into account the ethical rules described in the “Guide of Style with Ethical Rules for Journalists” and in the “Guide of Good Journalistic Practice. Media Coverage of Suicide”, and if necessary, to seek advice from experts when they work on journalistic materials.


Media Monitoring


Russian Propaganda Stereotypes in the Media of EaP Countries

In the period of June 6 to July 3, 2016, experts and media organizations from the countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP), including the Independent Journalism Center from Moldova, monitored the media content in EaP countries and in Russia in terms of propaganda stereotypes. Based on this monitoring, a study was developed, titled “Propaganda: Deepening of the GAP in mutual understanding,” which has recently been launched. The research aimed to identify the degree of influence of Russian propaganda on citizens of EaP countries and the impact of propaganda lies promoted by Russian televisions.


Media Literacy


Soroca Youth Trained to Filter Information

The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) resumed media literacy lessons for youth as part of a new project, “Strengthening Freedom of Opinion in Moldova”, launched at the end of March. The first destination was the city of Soroca, where on Thursday, March 23, young people from “Constantin Stere” lyceum and volunteers from Youth Resource Center DACIA met with Liliana Barbarosie, journalist for Radio Free Europe. Among other things, the journalist told them about the specifics of the press and the interest of politicians to control the media, especially TV channels.


“European Café” for Students in Rezina

On March 28, students from “Alexandru cel Bun” lyceum in Rezina participated in an European Café organized by the Independent Journalism Center. At the event, young people learned about the opportunities to engage in non-formal education activities at local, national and international level. Guests of the event – student Ana Indoitu, Vice-President of the National Youth Council of Moldova; Corina Erhan, President of the Center for Youth, Orhei town; Viorica Zaharia, President of the Press Council; Ion Cernei, journalist for the local newspaper “Cuvantul” – spoke about the projects that young people can develop locally. They urged the meeting participants to show initiative and to knock on doors in order to find professionals ready to help them put their ideas into practice.


The "Media Azi" Show


The three editions of the “Media Azi” show that appeared in March addressed topics of current interest for journalists. The guests of the 33rd edition – Alina Radu, Director of “Ziarul de Garda” newspaper, and Mariana Nistor, senior specialist in the Legal Department of the State Registration Chamber, – spoke about cases when journalists can get information of public interest only for payment. The edition was moderated by journalist Anastasia Nani. The 34th edition was titled “Red Lines for Journalists”. Moderator Nicolae Negru and Press Council President Viorica Zaharia spoke about the Code of Conduct and ethical standards that the media should comply with. And in the 35th edition, Executive Director of the Independent Journalism Center Nadine Gogu and her guests – sociologist Veronica Ates and communication expert Cristian Saulea – discussed the influence of false news on the election results. The protagonists of the show were of the opinion that there should be tools for measuring the impact of false news, especially those disseminated during election campaigns.