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September 2016

September, 2016

Press Freedom


Protest at the Turkish Embassy in Chisinau: Journalists Showed Solidarity with Turkish Teacher Ayșe Çelik

The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) has joined the initiative of IFEX (International Freedom of Expression eXchange) and organized on Friday, September 23, a flashmob in front of the Turkish Embassy in Chisinau as a sign of solidarity with Ayșe Çelik, a teacher from Turkey, who found herself in the dock after making a televised appeal to journalists to pay more attention to killings and abuses against civilians in southeast Turkey. Ayșe Çelik, together with other 30 persons who signed the appeal, were declared by Turkish authorities “traitors” and allies of “terrorist organizations”, and criminal investigation was initiated against them.


Official Media in Tiraspol Harassed by Authorities

Amendments to a set of laws regarding media, adopted on September 14 and 20, 2016, will further limit the rights of journalists who work in official media outlets in Transnistria, according to Luiza Doroshenko, Director of the Media Center in Tiraspol. Thus, authorities reduced the journalists’ salary fund, restricted access of the media to events and prohibited use of video and audio equipment. Amendments also provide for a new procedure of establishment of official media outlets and of appointment/dismissal of editors-in-chief, which, according to experts, will extend political control over the media. On Monday, September 26, journalists sent a letter to authorities, expressing their disagreement with these modifications and asking for review of this set of laws.


Media Legislation


Vladimir Hotineanu, MP: “Adopting a New Broadcasting Code is Now a Real Priority”

Adoption in the second reading of the draft new Broadcasting Code and of the draft law on amending and supplementing the Law on Access to Information will be a priority of the Parliamentary Commission for the Media in the autumn session. According to Vladimir Hotineanu, chairman of the Commission, in October or no later than November the draft new Broadcasting Code will be presented to the plenum of the Parliament in order to be voted in the second reading. Also in autumn, people’s electives are to examine in the second reading the draft law on amending and supplementing the Law on Access to Information, voted in the first reading on July 28.




The Broadcasting Coordinating Council Announced a Contest for the Three Vacancies in the Supervisory Board

On Tuesday, September 13, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC) announced a contest for the three vacancies of member of the “Teleradio-Moldova” public company’s Supervisory Board (SB), in connection with expiry in October of the terms in office for current members Doina Deleu, Larisa Calugaru and Petru Grozavu. Candidates must be fluent in the state language of Moldova and must have no criminal record. SB members are appointed by the Parliament of Moldova for a term of 4 years.


GRT Changes its Broadcasting Schedule, but “Doesn’t Focus on News”

The new management of “Gagauziya Radio Televizionu” regional public broadcaster (GRT) made changes in the broadcasting schedule, introducing several new shows, including three in the Gagauz language. According to Ivanna Keksal, editor-in-chief of the company’s TV channel, the purpose of the changes was to promote the Gagauz language and to increase the amount of its own product. In this context, lawyer and activist Mikhail Sirkeli, director of the “Piligrim-Demo” Center in Comrat, told Media Azi that “it is just as important to introduce into the schedule political and analytical shows,” and that the new shows will not fill the information gap that the autonomy’s residents feel.


A New TV Channel Launched on the Media Market of Moldova

The “10TV” channel started broadcasting in Moldova. The media outlet will focus on informative and analytical issues – domestic shows, own products and re-broadcasts of shows from Romanian channel “Naşul TV”. The broadcasting schedule will include newscasts, talk shows, documentaries, original authors’ shows. “10TV” received its license in May 2016 for a period of 6 years. It will be broadcast via the networks of service providers Moldtelecom (position 29) and Starnet (position 36).


Media Literacy


The IJC Resumed Media Literacy Lessons for Schools

At the start of the school year, the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) returned to educational institutions with a new cycle of media lessons for students. The first such meeting took place on Wednesday, September 21, at the Center of Excellence in Constructions in Chisinau. The lesson was moderated by journalist Veronica Zaharia, who explained to young people the notions of media education, propaganda and manipulation. Students asked her questions about why such phenomena happen in the media, who and why resorts to manipulation, why some authors of news disobey the journalists’ code of ethics etc.




A New Academic Year Began at the School of Advanced Journalism

The School of Advanced Journalism (SAJ) entered its 11th year of activity with a new group of students, who started courses on September 1. The 14 young people have license degrees in various fields – Journalism and Communication Studies, Law, International Relations, History and Psychology, Philology, Cadastre, Geodesy and Constructions, Finance and Banks, Business and Economy. For ten months, they will work in the mode of an editorial office and will receive intensive training in journalism. A conference dedicated to the ten years of the SAJ, titled “Independent journalism: Today’s challenges and tomorrow’s perspectives,” took place on September 30. The event was attended by graduates and trainers of the School, journalists, media experts, guests from abroad.


Media Azi TV Show


The “Media Azi” show produced by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) covered diverse topics in the five editions aired in September. In the 16th edition, journalist Ivan Sveatcenco discussed with his guest Robert Zapadinsky, editor-in-chief of “Kommersant-info” newspaper, about honor, dignity and deontology in mass media. Another topic – the impact of social networks on journalism – was covered in the 17th edition by journalist Dumitru Lazur, who interviewed Dumitru Ciorici, media entrepreneur, co-founder of news portal. In the run-up to the presidential elections of October 30, the producers of the 18th edition returned to public attention a relevant topic – the one of credibility of opinion polls. “Media Azi” moderator, Nadine Gogu, executive director of Independent Center of Journalism spoke about it with her guests, Alina Turcanu, editor for Radio Free Europe, and Arcadie Barbarosie, director of the Institute of Public Policies. The guest of the 19th edition, Dinu Ciocan, chairman of the Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC), and journalist Nicolae Negru spoke about the responsible mission of the BCC in presidential elections. Finally, in the 20th edition, journalist Ivan Sveatcenco as moderator and his guests, journalists Ecaterina Kaminskaia and Oleg Brega, spoke about the quality of electoral debates.