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Public Call of Moldova 1 regarding September 17th protests

02 октября 2017
1016 просмотров
The administration of the public TV channel has launched a call expressing its disagreement with the attempts of Action and Solidarity Party (Partidul Acțiune și Solidaritate, PAS) and Platform for Dignity and Truth Party (Partidul Platforma Demnitate și Adevăr, PPDA) to “discredit and defame the image of the national television through aggressive actions of pressure and interference with the editorial policy".

Moldova 1 Director Ecaterina Stratan believes Moldova 1 is the target of unsupported accusations ever since the launch of PPDA’s protests. Stratan insists that these were reprised at the September 17th protest and that the leaders of both political parties have promoted aggressive and calumnious messages towards the TV channel.
In this context, Moldova 1 launched a call to international bodies and media organizations to take a stand against "pressure on the national public TV channel".
Political parties from extra-parliamentary opposition PAS and PPDA organized anti-governmental protests on Sunday, September 17th in front of the Parliament building in Chisinau, and then continued them at the premises of the public broadcaster Moldova 1.
The participants at the protest adopted a resolution calling for "de-politicization of the National Public Broadcasting Institution Teleradio-Moldova, offering airtime at least once per week to the extra-parliamentary opposition enjoying genuine popular support, in the hours of maximum audience, for exposing its position on the socio-political situation in the country".
Subsequently, during a press conference held on September 18th PAS and PPDA leaders reprised the request towards the management of Moldova 1 public broadcaster to be offered one hour of airtime weekly. They also stated that if the public television refuses or fails to give a positive answer till Friday, the two parties reserve the right to relaunch protests.