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Scandal at BC: Dragos Vicol Suspended the Meeting after One Member Resigned, and Other Members Demanded the Election of a New Chair

11 октября 2019
585 просмотров
The member of the Broadcasting Council (BC) Veronica Cojocaru announced her resignation starting with 15 October at the meeting held on 11 October.  She grounded her decision on the fact that BC Chair Dragos Vicol would poorly manage the Council’s work. At the same meeting, BC member Corneliu Mihalache proposed to elect a new Chair of the Council, but Vicol refused to put the proposal to a vote and suspended the meeting.

“Given the poor management provided by the BC Chair, the inadequate management of this institution, which totally ignores the public interest (...) and has declined to a level beyond any criticism (...), I do not wish to be associated with all the illegalities that have been done here lately. I decided to resign starting from 15 October 2019”, said Veronica Cojocaru.

At the meeting, BC member Corneliu Mihalache said that the time came to elect a new Chair of the Council, because the current composition of the Council did not vote Dragos Vicol. The intention of Corneliu Mihalache was verbally supported by the BC members Veronica Cojocaru and Olga Gututui. Cojocaru specified that according to the Audiovisual Media Services Code, three members of the BC are entitled to initiate the voting procedure of the Council management.

Dragos Vicol refused to put this proposal to a vote and announced that he would notify the Parliamentary Committee for Mass-media. He suspended the meeting, without putting to a vote the additional proposals on the notifications of the BC members Cojocaru and Gututui, who asked for the monitoring in the election campaign of 11 TV channels, and not just the 4 channels with national coverage.

Previously, the BC member Dorina Curnic  resigned from the position of member of the Broadcasting Council, because she could not work in accordance with her personal beliefs. She was dissatisfied with the BC decision regarding the proposal to dismiss all members of the Supervisory Board of the ‘Teleradio Moldova’ Public Company and the poor management of the Council.