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Journalists cannot be limited in doing their job, namely in providing information to people

07 September 2015
1116 reads
Media organizations express their concern regarding the limitation of the access of certain journalists to the protest rally held in the Square of the Great National Assembly, on Sunday, September 6. The team of journalists from PublikaTV were forced by the protesters to leave the rally area.

We express our dissent with such intolerance towards media representatives. People have the right to participate in rallies; however, this right should not override the right of journalists to cover such events. At the same time, we call on journalists to report facts as objectively as possible, using different sources and avoiding any kind of manipulation of the audience.

We urge the rally organizers to pay attention to the incidents that took place on Sunday and take all necessary steps to ensure that they do not recur.

Independent Journalism Center
Independent Press Association
Electronic Press Association of Moldova