On www.cji.md, one can find out about the latest activities taking place on each separate line of IJC’s focus: training and assistance, public policies and research, media education, and legal assistance.
The new website will also provide access to details of the year’s main events organized by IJC, such as the Press Club's Annual Gala or the World Press Freedom Day. The platform will also be used to inform about IJC’s campaigns and to publish declarations and petitions written and signed by IJC’s team.
IJC is the first media NGO in Moldova supporting, since 1994, the free press and helping journalists who have committed to uphold the standards of professional ethics.
For over 25 years, IJC has been an advocate for the right to freedom of expression and the right to access information of public interest. Several years ago, the organization started to train advocates for critical thinking who are becoming more numerous year by year. Additionally, IJC constantly raises awareness about the danger of disinformation and the need for authorities’ accountability.