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Declaration of Mass-media NGO-s in connection with clashes between a Group of protesters and the Journalist of

06 May 2016
1143 reads
The mass-media non-governmental organisations qualify as inadmissible any attempts of intimidation or aggression against the journalists, as well as the involvement of mass-media representatives in altercations, regardless of the fact who caused them - the authorities, the politicians or the protesters.
To note that on Friday, 6th of May, several websites broadcasted online the clashes that occurred in the Great National Assembly Square, during which a protester would have aggressed a journalist of website, and the latter reacted by striking him in the back.

It is worth being mentioned that journalists are entitled to attend and get information from public events, while those who claim being misinformed or manipulated have the right to lodge a complaint to the Broadcasting Coordinating Council or to go to court.

According to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Moldova, accosting abusively the individuals in public places and other similar acts that violate the moral norms, disturb the public order and the tranquility of individuals are qualified as hooliganism and are punishable.

We urge the Ministry of Interior to investigate the case, to take the appropriate measures against the persons who caused this incident and to inform about the undertaken measures.

At the same time, we urge the mass-media representatives to observe the Journalist’s Code of Ethics when covering sensitive subjects, manifesting a civilized behaviour while on duty.
Independent Journalism Center
Association of Independent Press
Association of Electronic Press
Association of Independent TV Journalists
“Acces-Info” Center