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The eighth “Media Azi” Broadcast: On the Legislative Initiative of the Party of Socialists for Prohibition of Homosexual Propaganda among Minors

24 June 2016
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This week, the “Media Azi” broadcast focused on the draft law developed by the Party of Socialists’ parliamentary group, which proposes prohibition of homosexual propaganda among minors. In it, socialists intend to sanction the media, too – individuals who will propagate the activities of the LGBT community will be fined with 6,000 lei, while legal entities will pay fines of 10,000 lei. What consequences could this legislative initiative have on the situation of human rights and press freedom in Moldova? Journalist Ivan Sveatcenco and his guests, Party of Socialists’ MP Vasile Bolea and “GenderDoc-M” Executive Director Anastasia Danilova, tried to answer this question.

According to MP Bolea, the authors of the draft law intended to protect minors from “homosexual propaganda,” which, in his opinion, is in the entire world “a generally accepted practice.”

In her turn, Anastasia Danilova said that on the contrary, all over the world “progressive society is moving towards acceptance of homosexuality.” She believes that in fact it is not the issue of socialist MPs’ care for minors, but spread of hatred for LGBT and interest in limiting any information about this community. Anastasia Danilova mentioned the example of Russia, which adopted a similar law: “Immediately after the law on protection of minors from homosexual propaganda entered into force in Russia, hatred towards the LGBT community increased dramatically,” she said.

When the host asked about the effects the law will have if it is adopted, considering that the national legislation does not define neither the term of propaganda, nor homosexuality, MP Vasile Bolea said that the Party of Socialists had already prepared another draft law explaining these terms, and that that draft law is soon to be registered in the parliament.

To what extent will the law limit press freedom, which already is a problematic issue in Moldova? MP Vasile Bolea claims that “the media should know how to make certain reports”. Party of Socialists’ MPs also believe that “there are some limits for the media, but they are in the interests of society.”

“Media Azi” broadcasts are produced by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) weekly and can be watched on IJC portals Media Azi, Mediacritica, and on YouTube.