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The TV show " Media Azi", IX edition: Possible consequences of non-adopting the new broadcasting Code

30 June 2016
1023 reads
The present broadcasting Code  contains more imperfect and faulty provisions, that's why a new law is needed to regulate the field. The representatives of the civil society share this opinion.They elaborated and sent a project of the broadcasting Code to the parliament  five years ago. The bill was registered as legislative initiative last year, after which the public debates on the paper followed which finished in March. The deputies didn't hurry to vote this law till now .
The director of the Independent Journalism Centre (IJC), Nadine Gogu, the moderator of the IXth edition of the show "Media Azi," discussed about the need of the new code and possible consequences of non-adopting this law  with her interlocutors Lilian Carp, deputy, representative of the fraction LP and Ion Bunduchi, executive director of the Association of Electronic Press (AELP), one of the bill's authors.
In the opinion of the liberal deputy "we have a problem - ninety per cent of our media is controlled by certain politicians from the parliament. We have to stop this situation."
In the case if the new broadcasting code isn't voted, says Lilian Carp in the show, this will mean that the deputies think only about their own voters, "because the present code offers them the possibility to manipulate their voters". The show's guest also referred to the "fights" which happen between different political groups today " to control a media or another one and use the press with the aim of political propaganda". Lilian Carp states in the show " It's regrettable, but  we have less and less true media recently".
The expert Ion Bunduchi shares the opinion that "if we don't clean up the legislation which regulates the field, we will continue to have deformed broadcasting which doesn't serve to inform the citizen. We will have further confirmation that the lawmakers don't need a properly informed citizen, but it's better for them to catch more fish in turbid water".
Bunduchi states that the new code, besides its provisions, also establishes some implementation mechanisms for these provisions, fact which gives it more quality.
According to Lilian Carp, the bill  had to be presented in the parliament's plenary two weeks ago, but it was detained because "more important bills as the law of budget, the fiscal policy" were included in the agenda. "It will be proposed for the agenda of the plenary session this week, July,1", also informed the liberal deputy. After the vote in first reading, the bill will be improved with new amendments and only after that will be voted in final reading.