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Call to the MPs in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

29 July 2016
2741 reads
Ladies and gentlemen Members of Parliament,
The non-governmental NGOs from media field call to you not to vote  the bills on the modification and completion of the Broadcasting Code of the Republic of Moldova in the second reading (nr.218 from 22.05 2015 and 125 from 02.04.2015) and to put off their examination till the next parliamentary session, merging them with the bill of the new Broadcasting Code, as you decided at the meeting from July, 7 2016.
Please note that the bill nr.218, insistently promoted by the Democrat Party, contains provisions which will favour broadcasters with funding provided by oligarchs and their structures, and some channels, which survive by only providing advertising, will be put in difficulty or will have to stop their activity. We remind you that the expertises of the Council of Europe and OSCE noted several ambiguities in these bills, recommending the exclusion of some provisions and the completion with others. The Representative of OSCE for the freedom of press and the international organization Freedom House sent complaints concerning the legislative initiatives. Most participants at the debates, organized by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on July, 26 2016, also criticized the bill nr.218, mentioning that the adoption of this legislative initiative will diminish the pluralism of opinions in the Moldovan society.
We reiterate our conviction that the development of the local audiovisual product is very important, but it cannot be ensured by imposing some terms which the majority of the broadcasters will not be able to honor. A systemic approach of the problems from the field and a complexity of actions is necessary in order that media space to be permanently protected by the external invasion and the potential domestic monopolies and to be able to abjudicate its legitimacy and social utility through the citizen's proper information.
We ask the Parliament to initiate the joint development  of some legislative amendments of stimulation of development and increasing the share of the domestic audiovisual product with the broadcasters and NGOs from the field, but also of a special law on the protection of the Moldovan informational space which will also provide conditions of access and retransmission of the foreign broadcasters as the representatives of the journalistic community asked in the Roadmap, approved by media Forum from October 2015.[1].
Ladies and gentlemen MPs,
We remind you that the MPs are in the people's service in the exercise of the mandate. We ask you not to be influenced by people and groups who protect private and corporate interests of some media owners, interested in the elimination of the competitive stations and redistributing income from advertising. We urge you to act in public interest, adopting laws which will develop the audiovisual market to the citizens' benefit and will not subordinate it to political interests or others.
Association of  Independent Press 
Independent Journalism Centre  
Association of  Electronic Press 
Association of Independent TV journalists 
Centre for Journalistic Investigations 
Association of Journalists of Russian Language
Centre ”Acces-Info”
Centre of the Young Journalist from Moldova
Committee for Freedom of Press
Association of Journalists of Environment and Environmental Tourism from the Republic of Moldova