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IJC Report: The Press Consumers from the Republic of Moldova Receive Unilateral, Biased and Unbalanced Media Products

23 August 2016
1146 reads
"The trends of violation of ethical norms and those of use of techniques of propaganda and manipulation have maintained, but in some cases they have amplified and diversified". This is the conclusion of the third Monitoring Report "Elements of propaganda, informational manipulation and violation of the journalistic ethical norms in the local media space" launched on Tuesday, 23 August by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC).
The monitoring conducted by the IJC in the months of May, June and July of this year included more media institutions: TV channels, news sites and online versions of some weekly publications. Among the monitored topics by the media expert Viorica Zaharia, were mostly internal current events: the congress of constitution of the Action and Solidarity Party led by Maia Sandu, election of the new president of the LDPM, the visit of the Russian deputy Dmitri Rogozin to Chisinau and Tiraspol, the seizure and arrest of the businessman Veaceslav Platon and the statements of the former chief-director of the National Anti-Corruption Centre, Mihail Goffman, with reference to the bank fraud produced in the Republic of Moldova. Among the monitored topics on current international events was the release from prison of the Ukrainian aviator Nadejda Savcenko.
The conclusion of the third monitoring report reveals that the trends of violation of ethical norms and those of use of techniques of propaganda and manipulation have maintained, but in some cases have amplified. Thus, violations were found most frequently in the news Publika TV, RTR, Vesti, REN TV, Jurnal TV, and to a lesser extent, in and Ziarul National. Another conclusion is that the political issues remain sensitive against manipulation. A part of the monitored institutions have distorted facts, favouring certain  political actors and disfavouring others through text and images. The Russian channels broadcasted in the Republic of Moldova present to the local consumers issues related to the Ukraine in a biased and propagandistic manner, exclusively from the perspective of the Russian Federation and to the detriment of the complete and unbiased information.
In this context, IJC continues to recommend the journalists to avoid the unilateral presentation of the facts and be guided exclusively by the rules of the Code of Ethics and by the standards of quality in journalism. Managers and editors of mass media institutions are advised the topics to be selected depending on the public interest and not to transform the press in tools of propaganda and manipulation of the public opinion. For the Broadcasting Coordinating Council, the recommendation is to follow how the broadcasters ensure diversity of opinion and respect the local legislation, taking action when necessary, and the media organizations to show a trenchant position when signals occur that some mass media is spreading false information or is participating in compaigns of political disparagement.
The IJC will continue to monitor those 12 press institutions within the Campaign "Stop False" and urge the media consumers from the country to inform themselves from more sources in order to avoid the risk to get incorrect information.
The report was developed by the Independent Journalism Center within the Media campaign against false and biased information - STOP FALS!, conducted by the Association of Independent Press (API), Independent Journalism Center (IJC) and Association of Independent TV Journalists (ATVJI).