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Media Azi Broadcast, 25th Edition: News Consumers Face-to-Face with Press Forgeries

18 November 2016
1038 reads
The journalist Nicolae Negru, moderator of this week's edition of Media Azi broadcast, and his guest, the media expert Aneta Gonța, addressed an issue inspired by the recent election campaign - fakes in the media and the way how a media consumer should react to them.
In the beginning, Nicolae Negru outlined the following scenario: let's imagine a citizen sitting in front of the TV and listening to one of the multiple fakes disseminated during the election campaign – the one about the 30 thousand Syrian immigrants who are seemingly expected to come to the Republic of Moldova, as a result of an alleged agreement between a candidate and a leader of a Western country ... How should a media consumer react in such a situation? When one goes to the store to buy some bread or any other product, one can examine it, touch it, look at the label. But how to orient in relation with the information?

In other words, how could an ordinary citizen face the manipulation, the misinformation, the lack of equidistance or the lack of ethics from the side of journalists? How to detect forgeries in the press?

Find out the recommendations of the participants in today’s broadcast with regard to this issue.

“Media  Azi” broadcast is weekly produced by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC). It is intended to bring in the foreground the problems currently faced by journalists from the Moldovan mass-media and to identify solutions to them. The broadcast may be viewed on Media Azi and Mediacritica websites, and on IJC’s Youtube channel.