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"Divided by two": Sexist advertising – how to stop it?

16 August 2017
2039 reads
The Law says that sexist advertising is prohibited in the Republic of Moldova. However, it happens that we see it on billboards, on TV or even in the public transport. Wishing to be popular among the public, some authors of advertising texts use images or expressions that have sexual connotation, causing in this way damages to human dignity.

How can the media prevent the diffusion of such advertisements and how can the consumers of ads denounce sexist advertising, find out in the new episode of the "Divided by two" show.

We remind you, that starting April, IJC is working on the "Divided by two" program cycle, aiming to bring to the attention of the large audience multiple aspects of gender issues  and to present positive models of men and women implication in diverse spheres of life. All the shows filmed by now can be found on the IJC portal, on, in the division Shows (Emisiuni).

The "Divided by Two" shows are being made within the "Media for gender balance!" (orig. "Presa echilibrează genul!") campaign, implemented by the Independent Journalism Center with the financial support from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, through the Swedish Embassy to Chisinau.