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Media NGOs Condemn Aggression against Journalists

15 September 2017
1034 reads
Media NGOs are concerned about the inappropriate behavior of some employees of public institutions, who, under various pretexts, restrict journalists’ access to information and resort to acts of their intimidation.
Thus, a crew of TV8 channel was assaulted on Thursday, September 14, at kindergarten no. 23 in the capital by an employee, and at kindergarten no. 81 employees did not allow them to enter the institution on the grounds that the kindergarten director was not at work at that moment. Please note that journalists were filming a report about the prolongation of repairs at 10 pre-school institutions in Chisinau.
Media NGOs condemn such actions and remind that the Law on the press allows media representatives to obtain and disseminate information, to make audiovisual recordings, film and photograph.
Intentional prevention of the work of the media or of a journalist is penalized under the Criminal Code, being considered a socially dangerous act.
We appeal to the Ministry of Education to investigate these cases and to inform the public about the measures taken against those who assaulted the TV8 crew and restricted their access to the territory of the two public institutions.
At the same time, we urge managers of public institutions to abide by the law and not to allow violation of legitimate rights of journalists in the execution of their professional duties.
Independent Journalism Center
Association of Independent Press
Electronic Press Association
Journalistic Investigations Center
“Acces-Info” Center
Press Freedom Committee
Association of Independent TV Journalists