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The IJC Trained a New Group of Teachers in Media Education

02 October 2017
1040 reads
The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) continues training activities for the piloting of the optional course of Media Education. This time, 18 primary school teachers were initiated in the field of media education as part of a complex training program organized by the IJC. The training took place in Chisinau on September 22-24, and it was conducted on the basis of the Media Education curriculum developed under the aegis of the IJC and approved by the Ministry of Education and with the aid of the auxiliary material designed for the piloting of this optional course. Course trainers were the authors of the curriculum and of the auxiliary material: Loretta Handrabura, PhD in philology, university lecturer, “Ion Creanga” Pedagogical University; Natalia Griu, senior consultant of the Ministry of Education; Silvia Spac, PhD in pedagogical sciences.
In her welcome speech, Loretta Handrabura mentioned: “Today we are witnessing an avalanche of false information that is increasingly difficult to assimilate. This course is intended to support teachers in helping students filter information correctly and avoid false information.”
Participants were involved in various interactive activities involving use of cards and other content included in the curriculum and the auxiliary materials. Thus, the first topics discussed during training included the functions of the media, programs for children, online safety of young people, new media and websites for children and, last but not least, the health of the young media consumer.
Valentina Arion, teacher from Hagimus village of Causeni district, believes that this course has reached its purpose: “The Media Education training course definitely met my expectations. I had the opportunity to actively engage in the learning process, and trainers’ suggestions were extremely welcome. We had optimal learning conditions, interactive methods and efficient teaching aids.”
Larisa Ojog, teacher from Malaiesti village of Criuleni district, is of the same opinion: “By participating in this seminar, I obtained a lot of useful information that I will use in my work with third grade students. Learning this information, we will have to communicate directly with parents, so they also realize the importance of media education.”
At this training course, the “Media Education” textbook was also presented, which will serve as a support for teachers and students of third and fourth grade.
The course was attended by teachers from the districts of Falesti, Donduseni, Briceni, Anenii Noi, Criuleni, Soldanesti, Causeni, Floresti, Chisinau and Drochia.
The purpose of the optional course “Media Education” is to increase the understanding and rational use of the media by students, to educate a well-informed and responsible citizen and media consumer.
The training program was organized by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) as part of the project “Strengthening Freedom of Expression in Moldova,” implemented by the IJC with the support of Deutsche Welle Akademie and financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.