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“Divided by Two”: How Do Media Balance Genders?

28 September 2017
1672 reads
Why are men more likely to appear in materials about politics, economy and sports, while women – in the news on social events, health and education? How do the media cover the gender dimension and what could be done to promote a professional and balanced approach to stories about men and women in journalistic materials? Learn the answer to these questions from the new edition of “Divided by Two” show.

We shall remind you that since April the Independent Journalism Center has been producing the cycle of shows under the title “Divided by Two” [Romanian "Impartit la doi"], aiming to draw public attention to multiple aspects of gender issues and to present positive models of participation of women and men in various spheres of life. All editions that have been released to date may be found on in the Shows section.

The "Divided by Two" shows are being made within the "Media for gender balance!" (orig. "Presa echilibrează genul!") campaign, implemented by the Independent Journalism Center with the financial support from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, through the Swedish Embassy to Chisinau.