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“Divided by Two”: The Image of Man and Woman Created by the Media

11 October 2017
1418 reads
The media’s tendency to show women as interested only in fashion and makeup and men as obsessed with having a muscular body and an expensive car creates false models in society. How important is it for journalists to cover topics about men and women in a balanced manner, without falling prey to stereotypes? These and other curious things have been addressed in the new episode of the show “Divided by Two” [Romanian “Împărțit la doi”].

The IJC has been producing the cycle of shows “Divided by Two” since April, aiming to bring to the attention of the general public the multiple aspects of gender issues and to present positive models of involvement of men and women in various spheres of life. All the programs produced so far can be found on the IJC portal in the sections of Shows.

The “Divided by Two” shows are produced as part of the ”Media for Gender Balance” campaign implemented by the Independent Journalism Center with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency through the Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau.