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Divided by Two: How Equal Are Men and Women in the Eyes of God?

29 November 2017
1195 reads
“Let the wife see that she fear her husband” is a common expression in one of the most important rituals in the Orthodox religion – the Mystery of Marriage. However, the text that blesses the lifelong connection between the husband and the wife causes certain questions about equality of women and men.

Other practices favoring inferiority of women include the prohibition to enter the places of worship during the menstrual cycle and after childbirth. Another church rule is that a woman cannot participate in her child’s baptism because she is considered physiologically impure.

Specialists in Orthodox Christianity claim that these rules must be changed in favor of bringing people closer to the church. They also give examples of more progressive confessions in which equality between men and women is applied on a daily basis. Find out more about this topic in the new episode of the “Divided by Two” [“Împărțit la doi”] show.

The IJC has been releasing the “Divided by Two” show since April, aiming to bring to the attention of the general public the multiple aspects of gender issues and to present positive models of involvement of men and women into various spheres of life. All the shows produced so far can be found on the IJC’s portal, in the section of Shows.