With the help of this user-friendly tool, creation of a new website takes only 20-30 minutes. NewsTempl can be used to customize and adapt a new website to the needs of any media outlet that has an integrated content management system, allowing the editing and posting of multimedia and interactive content in an intuitive and fast way. Instructions for using NewsTempl will be available in Romanian, Ukrainian, Georgian and English.
“Many local media outlets in the region lose their potential audience and fail to keep pace with competitors from other countries, which are subsidized, because of poorly designed websites that are difficult to update without constant IT support,” says Angela Sirbu, who supervises this effort. "NewsTempl will help local media to adopt innovative online journalism formats that involve the audience and attract new audiences.”
Internews partners in this initiative are the Independent Journalism Center of Moldova, Internews Ukraine, and Internews Georgia. For more information, you may contact Oleg Gant, NewsTempl Administrator: oleg.gant@gmail.com.