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‘Media Azi’ TV Show, 65th Edition: TV Channels – caught between avoiding or complying with ‘Anti-Propaganda Law’

26 February 2018
837 reads
Journalist Nicolae Negru talks with the president of the Broadcast Coordination Council, Dragos Vicol, about the ‘Anti-Propaganda Law’. How does it work? What effects does it guarantee?  What does the BCC monitoring say?

See why some TV channels simulate application of this law and what subterfuges they use to avoid complying with it.

Learn from the BCC President how long it takes to minimize the toxicity of external propaganda through the media and ensure a healthy media environment in society.

“Media  Azi” broadcast is weekly produced by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC). It is intended to bring in the foreground the problems currently faced by journalists from the Moldovan mass-media and to identify solutions to them. The broadcast may be viewed on Media Azi and Mediacritica websites, and on IJC’s Youtube channel.