Thus, the Hackathon returns in 2018 on the media education topic and will propose the participants to develop tools and applications to help media users think critically.
Also as part of this project, IJC experts will develop the “Media Education” handbook for gymnasium level. Note that in 2017 IJC launched, for the first time, the optional course ‘Media Education’ for primary level, which initiative was supported and appreciated in schools.
In addition, IJC will conduct a campaign to promote the media education course among teachers. At the end of 2017-2018 school year, the teachers who already piloted this course will be invited to a follow-up activity to present their suggestions and recommendations for improving the course.
‘Strengthening Freedom of Opinion in the Republic of Moldova’ project is implemented by the Independent Journalism Center in the period of March-November 2018 with the support of Deutsche Welle Akademie and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.