The monitoring data show that the majority of TV channels failed to provide equal access to all election candidates registered in the campaign, nor did they ensure the plurality of opinions or the balance of the sources.
Thus, Prime TV, Canal 2 and Publika TV national broadcasters, which announced that they would not reflect the election campaign, continued to broadcast various explicit and indirect electoral materials in the newscasts by which largely favoured the independent candidate Silvia Radu. At the same time, Publika TV disfavoured Andrei Nastase, the candidate of PPDA/PAS/PLDM.
NTV Moldova and at Accent TV strongly supported the PSRM candidate Ion Ceban, and at the same time disadvantaged the independent candidate Silvia Radu; Andrei Nastase of PPDA/PAS/PLDM; Valeriu Munteanu of PL and Reghina Apostolova of Sor Party.
Jurnal TV was also noted to disadvantage the independent candidate – Silvia Radu, and favoure Andrei Nastase, the candidate of PPDA/PAS/PLDM. At the same time, the channel was distinguished by the fact that it reflected all the candidates who organised campaign events for the press in an impartial way.
One could notice the slight favouring for Ion Ceban of PSRM and Reghina Apostolova of Sor Party (considering frequency of news reports) on RTR Moldova.
Moldova 1 public television broadcaster and Pro TV and TV 8 private channels revealed a balanced behaviour. They provided the majority of election candidates with access to news, and did not favour or disfavour any candidates registered in the campaign for the new local elections.
The monitoring of mass media conducted by IJC aims to inform the public about the behavior of media outlets during the election campaign and the access of the election candidates to mass media. It also aims to notify the regulatory institutions about the trends that might affect mass media performance or compromise its ability to provide accurate, unbiased and pluralist information for the public.