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Mobile Phone’s Potential: Practical Tips for Journalists

12 June 2018
990 reads
On Friday, 8 June 2018, journalists from several media outlets the Republic of Moldova participated in a discussion with Corneliu Comendant, graphic designer at Urma Ta and creator of, and talked about the potential of the mobile phone and how to make full use of it.
The meeting was organized by the Independent Journalism Center, being the first in the informal discussion series between journalists and IT developers or graphic designers, organized to facilitate, through innovations, the interaction between media representatives and media consumers.
The journalists have learned about a number of mobile apps that can facilitate their work and provide them opportunity to create quality media products with a minimum effort, but with a potential great impact on the consumers. Adobe Premier Clip, Snapseed, WavStudio or Graphic Design Tutorials are some of the apps.
‘All these apps are just a click away. All we need is to download them to our mobile phone and start using them. They give us a number of opportunities, and most importantly – they always come in handy and can save us when we don’t have access to a computer. These apps allow us to quickly edit video sequences, photos, sound, to blur an image with technical means, to cut out sequences or to subtitle them’, Corneliu Comendant mentioned. He added that todays mobile phones have practically the same technical possibilities as and the computer, the difference being just their size.

Anastasia Nani, IJC Deputy Director, encouraged the journalists to use mobile phone apps, the latter being especially useful for the reporters on the ground. ‘The mobile phone has become an essential tool in the activity of journalists and the better we know how to use it, the better the journalistic product will be’, Anastasia Nani said.

Sergiu Niculita, journalist at TV8 channel, mentioned that the discussion was useful and interactive, and that the acquired information was beneficial for the professional development of journalists. ‘Journalists are using the apps downloaded on their mobile phones in their daily work. However, these apps are constantly changing and improving. The trainer explained everything very clearly. He recommended the journalists free, useful, user-friendly softwares. Furthermore, the examples were presented in real-time. Those present downloaded the apps during the meeting and worked with the trainer simultaneously. Practical tips on optimising mobile phone activity have also been presented. It seems important to me the availability of the trainer to answer questions and offer consultations after discussion’s end, on the phone or on Facebook’, Sergiu Niculita said.
The event was organized by the Independent Journalism Center under ‘Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion and Accountability in Moldova (MEDIA-M)’ Project, funded by USAID and implemented by Internews.