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Media Azi: How do we sanction the hate speech?

09 July 2018
776 reads
We can see, especially in election campaigns, real wars happening politicians, where they attack their political opponents regardless of the method and not caring that they have recourse to hate speech. What should be done in such a case by journalists that are hosting talk-shows or other debates on political topics? And what does the law say – is there a possibility that a person who incites to hatred through the media could be held accountable for that?

This topic is going to be discussed during the program Media Azi by the journalist Irina Gotisan and her guests – Olesea Perean, human rights officer at UN, and Vitalie Gutu, television producer.
Find out from our program what the hate speech is, how we can recognize it and what are the categories of people that are most affected by this kind of speech; where is the line between freedom of expression and hate speech. At the same time you can see what punishment our legislation provides for in such cases.

“Media Azi” broadcast is weekly produced by the Independent Journalism Center. It is intended to disclose the problems faced at present by the journalists of the domestic media and to identify solutions to hem. The broadcast may be viewed on the websites, and, as well as on the Youtube channel of the Independent Journalism Center.
The broadcast was produced with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, provided by the means of the Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau.