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Media NGOs Condemn the Abuse Against Journalists at PDM Rally

24 October 2018
863 reads

Media NGOs condemn the deliberate impediment of journalists from several media outlets to cover the Democratic Party (PDM) rally held on Sunday, 21 October, in the capital city.

Thus, the journalist from portal approached Prime Minister Pavel Filip, Speaker of the Parliament Adrian Candu, and Vlad Plahotniuc, the PDM leader, to ask a couple of questions about the rally. Under the eyes of the officials and leader of the party, who have shown their smiles, the journalist has been ‘pulled away’ by the Acting Director of the State Protection and Guard Service, Anatolie Golea, and other security officers, including some of the PD team, who prevented her from asking questions and pushed her away unreasonably, saying only that they were ‘necessary security measures’.

At the same event, the journalist Viorica Tataru from Ziarul de Garda and the journalist Stefan Grigorita from Europa Libera Radio were assaulted by carabineers, who banned their filming, they bullied and they drove them away from that area. After the contact with one of the representatives of the carabineer troops, Viorica Tataru was left without press pass and Stefan Grigorita’s phone was hit, which fell down after being hit. Thus, we believe that these acts of unjustified assault prevented journalists from doing their job.

We emphasize that the law provides for criminal punishment for deliberate obstruction of media activity. Journalists have the right to participate in public demonstrations, film, take photos, obtain and distribute information. Citizens have also the right to receive information through the media. Media NGOs regard such arbitrary behavior towards journalists on the part of representatives of law enforcement bodies and carabineer troops as unacceptable, and argue that onsite coverage is an indispensable part of any reporter's work.

We call on the General Prosecutor's Office to take action on these cases of abuse and to hold persons responsible for breaking the law and limiting the journalists’ rights.

We call on the political parties not to avoid the duty to uphold the rights of media representatives at the events they organise.

We urge Prime Minister Pavel Filip to take action on this case and to explain to the public how the Government sees these intimidations and assaults of journalists. We also ask the head of the ruling party to provide public explanations about the aggressive behavior of law enforcement bodies at the events organised by the party he is leading.

Media freedom is one of the pillars of rule of law and a guarantee of the democratic processes and institutions. Such abuses and restrictions imposed on journalists, who merely do their job, are contrary to the national and international law on media freedom. According to the Moldovan legislation, the Government shall make sure that the honor and dignity of journalists is defended and their health and assets are protected.
Independent Journalism Center
Association of Independent Press
Association of Electronic Press
Center for Investigative Journalism
Press Freedom Committee 
Association of Independent TV Journalists
‘Acces-Info’ Center
RISE Moldova