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IJC Will Select One International and One Local Expert in Monetizing Online Media Portals

17 January 2019
1446 reads
General description: The Independent Journalism Centre (IJC) is a non-governmental, non-commercial apolitical organization the organizational-legal form of which is ‘private institution’, that provides support to journalists and media institutions in the Republic of Moldova.

Goal: IJC announced that it is going to select one international and one local expert in monetizing local media portals, under the ‘Strengthening the Independent Media in Europe and Eurasia’ project. The goal of the project is to increase citizens' access to reliable information about local, regional and international issues of public importance in the Balkans and Eurasia.

Tasks and responsibilities: The two experts will work with six local media institutions to identify monetization needs (one per editorial office). They will provide then in-house advice for the same editorial offices (4 days per editorial office) and will help them thus develop online monetizing strategies.


  • Knowledge about the media in the Republic of Moldova;
  • Knowledge and experience in monetizing online media portals;
  • Knowledge in the field of online promotion;
  • A responsible attitude towards the commitments undertaken.

The files will contain:

  • The CV of the candidate;
  • A portfolio with three examples of activities which prove the experience in monetization;
  • Financial bid. 

The deadline for receiving the files is February 3,  2019. Send the files by email to