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Media Azi: How to Punish the Politicians who Use Hate Speech?

21 January 2019
554 reads
Last year the Promo-LEX Association identified eight serious cases of hate speech against journalists from politicians. These ranged from intimidations with broom and belt to threats of violence, beating and even death. Irina Gotisan-Sotnic and her guests – Dumitru Sliusarenco, lawyer at Promo-LEX, and Cornelia Cozonac, Director of Center for Investigative Journalism, discussed the aggressive reactions of public dignitaries to media materials that criticise them during the current issue of Media Azi talk-show.
Watch the talk show to find out why high officials in our country use verbal attacks instead of counter arguments when they don’t agree with the investigations on their assets, use of public money or any other topic. How do such threats affect journalists? What does the law say and why it is not applied to politicians?
Also, you can find out the opinion of the participants in the show about ways of self-defence for media representatives in such situations and means of punishing politicians who use hate speech.


The show can be viewed on, and portals and on the IJC’s Youtube channel.
Media Azi show is produced under the MEDIA-M project, implemented by Internews with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The content of this edition is the responsibility of the Independent Journalism Center and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or of the US Government.