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Media Azi: How Are the Authorities Fighting Fake News?

28 January 2019
892 reads
The Moldovan Mass media and experts in the field have been reporting for years on the danger of propaganda and fake news for citizens. However, law enforcement officers did not make a public statement on this subject. The journalist Nicolai Paholinitki discussed the measures taken by the authorities with Veaceslav Soltan, head of the Information Technology and Cyber Crime Investigations Unit at the General Prosecutor's Office. Learn from the show how the authorities are fighting false news, what sanctions are prescribed by the law to punish people who disseminate such news and, last but not least, how anonymous commentators can be identified.


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Emisiunea Media Azi este realizată în cadrul proiectului MEDIA-M, implementat de Internews cu sprijinul financiar al Agenției Statelor Unite pentru Dezvoltare Internațională (USAID).
Conținutul acestei ediții ține de responsabilitatea Centrului pentru Jurnalism Independent și nu reflectă în mod necesar viziunea USAID sau a Guvernului Statelor Unite.